Sep 3, 2012

Reading A Book That Wasn't There

Common Sense Commentary: "A dream cometh through the multitude of business." Ecc. 5:3.

I have gone to sleep many times reading, a book in hand, but never, until last night, have I awakened, reading a book that wasn't there. The words were there and the sense of the words was plain to me.  Whether God or I or a dream was the author, I do not know.  I do remember though, the essence of the book, not word for word but it went like this....
    There's a fallacy undermining the health of our land. It started in the classroom where every child was "a winner" whether he learned or not, listened or not, tried or not .... every child passed. A popular Christian song was sung, "There Are No Losers". As unbiblical as it was, it appealed to the new Liberal "religious dogooder" idea of, "everybody passes". Government became infected with the virus of "Dogooderism" and created a guaranteed income for all and called it a "safety net" when it was really just a handout. And that would have been OK if it had applied only to the severely handicapped, sick or abandoned children, but it grew to protect and enable the lazy, drug addicted and all who applied. The "safety net" became all inclusive including businesses which couldn't survive on their own using bad business practices, excessive salaries and weak leadership.... so they too were "bailed out" like unrepentant drunk drivers. The fallacy is that "everybody deserves to pass and nobody deserves to fail". Failure is an indispensable element in success. It automatically removes the erroneous, false theory, lazy and unwise practices from society. Failure is the buzzard or maggot that cleans up the dead and dying mess of error and protects the health of diligence, truth, honesty, wisdom and success in all areas of life. Without failure there will soon be no success. We will be a festering, foul smelling, lazy lot of hopeless human debris greedily reaching for "my share". But where will anything come from when success has been bled to death? Will God bail-out such a sinful, greedy country? I think not. Stealing is stealing is stealing by whatever  name you give it.  Giving must be voluntary or else it is stealing. RB


  1. The thrifty, conscientious, honest, hard working and Godly person will always have successes as they rise from failures and try again... even if we are imprisoned or killed by the lazy, jealous or greedy persons... we are still a success in God's eyes. I feel like a Marine! What's the Biblical equal to "Semper Fi"?

  2. Excellent post, RB. Particularly fitting for Labor Day, considering what winnerism and dogooderism have done so much to destroy the work ethic that our nation was once known for.


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