Sep 10, 2012

Texas Attorney/Talk Show Host Nails It To the Door

Common Sense Commentary: 99% of what Michael says is true. I wouldn't say it the way he does, but I feel much the same way.  Maybe he is more honest than I.  If we are to save our country and our children's future, it's time more of us speak out against the evil which has brought us to the giant hangman's  gallows, we now face, charged with crimes we did not commit, but the hangman, judge and jury did.  RB
Michael Berry is the host of a daily radio talk show in Houston . He is an attorney and former City Council member for the City of Houston . He is not normally on a rant but something set him off about the recent NAACP meeting in Houston . He says, on the air, what most non-black people would like to say but are braintwisted or intimidated or fearful of appearing politically incorrect or racist ... which they know they are not.
Buckle your seat belt..... 

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