Oct 18, 2012

A Key Biblical Truth...Ignored By Today's Preachers

Common Sense Commentary:

Some call it a "mistake" but it is more than a mistake. Some say it is an "error" but it is much more than an error. It is a flaw in our character, yes, but more than that too. The first mention of sin in the Bible is actually referring to a 'substitutionary sin offering". There, in Gen.4:7, "sin" is referred to by the pronoun "his" and "him" and says he is under man's control and lies outside the door; as would be the case with a lamb for a sin offering

The first actual mention of "sin" as a personal violation of righteousness, is in reference  to the extreme wickedness of the people in Sodom and Gomorrah, and says, ".... their sin is very grievous." Gen.18:20.

Throughout the Bible, we are told that "sin is a transgression".  To transgress means to step on or walk on or violate something forbidden, out of bounds, and unlawful. What is that? God's reserved territory, holy ground, God's standards, God's Word, God's law.
"Sin is the transgression of the law." 1 Jn.3:4.  But sin is even more than that.

Everything we think or do is either right or wrong, righteous or unrighteous  .... no middle ground. If God created you to do it, it is righteous: all else is unrighteous. There is an eternal line between the two, called, "CHOICE". Each person is blessed with the god-like ("created in his image and likeness) privilege of choosing.  We can think or do righteously or unrighteously. God's Holy Spirit is at work convicting "the world",  all of us, of the guilt of the one and the need for the other. "When he (Holy Spirit) is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement." Jn.16:8. The Greek word for "reprove" is "elegcho", which means "to expose, prove, convince, convict and rebuke".  Elegcho is a very interesting Greek word with no exact English equivalent word. The nearest likeness might be "court action".  This verse, spoken by Jesus, is saying, the Holy Spirit will prove the presence, shame, guilt and condemnation of sin; He will prove the opposite, need and necessity of righteousness; He will prove and convince both the righteous and the unrighteous of the certainty of judgement. If we do not righteously (right) we automatically do unrightously (wrong)  in opposition to God's Holy Spirit and "All unrighteousness is sin." 1 Jn.5:17. But sin
is even more than that ....

"Whatsoever is not of faith is sin."  Rom.14:23. Any and everything we think or say or do which is not "of faith is sin". If the thing is not rooted in and of faith, it is rooted in and of the flesh, and is sin.  That is why Heb.11:6 says, "Without faith, it is impossible to please God." No matter how much we try or do good works, or have moral standards, "Without faith, it is impossible to please God." So where do we get that "faith" that is so essential? "Faith cometh by hearing .... the word of God." Rom.10:17.

The "word of God" tends to adjust our thinking and therefore our words and actions. Bible study and Bible Church attendance (hearing), are absolutely indispensable to our growing in faith, in God's grace and Christlikeness... which keep us from sin. The closer we walk with God, the fewer sins we commit. Without faith, that is impossible. RB  

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