Oct 20, 2012

An Old (82) Preacherman's Advice To The Young

Common Sense Commentary:  "He that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile." 1Pet.3:10.

I.  An old Pastor's advice on choosing a spouse:

Choose a person with...

1. Christ filling their soul.  2. Character in their thinking.
3. Conservative in Biblical, Constitutional & Political issues.
4. Compassionate in their heart. 5. Clean in their body.
6. Consciencious in their responsibilities.
7. Consistent in their judgements and decisions.
8. Considerate in their relationships.
9. Conciliatory in their attitude.
10. Constant in their personality.
11. Corresponding in their own requirements in a mate.
12. Any Christian could love this person and be loved by them.
If you haven't found this person by the time you are 30, pray
and choose the one nearest to it. Since I am not looking, I
can set the bar high for you. RB


II.  An old Businessman's advice on building a career:

"For a dream cometh through the multitude of business;
and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words." Ecc.5:3
1. Establish a worthy, primary, realistic, long-term goal.
2. Plan 1yr., 5yr., 10yr., and 20yr. intermediate goals.
3. Read everything you can find, every day, on the subject.
4. Focus on these goals continuously. Pray about it.
5. Update and adjust your goals every year. Be frugal.
6. Let no negative force deter you and never quit.
7. Let no positive accomplishment by you impress you.
8. Follow through til these goals are reached. Never quit.
9. Help others find their place and goals in life.
10. Brag on other's successes, not your own. Never quit.
11. Treat employees and customers as equals.
12. Give all glory to God and credit to helpers. Psm.115:1
 "Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name

give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth's sake."
Remember, success is not measured in money, beauty or
fame but in living in God's will.

II. An old man's advice on building a life:

1. Be real, not pretencious, not fake. Be yourself.
2. Be honest with everyone equally.
3. Be humble. There is no spirituality without humility.
4. Be punctual on other people's time.
5. Be faithful to other people's trust.
6. Be slow to anger and quick to apoligize.
7. Be available to family and friends.
8. Be repentant before God and forgiving to others.
9. Be regular in Bible study and prayer.
10. Be generous but frugal.
11. Be balanced in all things.
12. Be appreciative to others and thankful to God.
13. Be joyful in your faith.
14. Be loving to your spouse and children.
15. Be kind to everyone and to animals.
If you haven't been these things, start over and
try again and again and again til you get it right.
If that doesn't work out, confess you are human
and relax with your imperfections... and your mates,
and your children's and your employees, or your
employer's and your neighbor's and so on. If you
can live with your own imperfections, live with

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