Oct 30, 2012

Don't Mess With Texas

Common Sense Commentary: Word to the wise: Don't mess with Texas! You Northern Liberal Socialists have about all you can handle, with Sandy, electrical outages and Liberal devastation and crime .... up north. Texas takes care of itself. We don't need or want foreign approval of our voting places ... or anything else.  We have sufficient U.S. Democrats and Republicans watching our polls.  We are not going to let a single non-citizen vote here, if we can help it, whether you guys like it or not.  Europeans have messed up their own countries with Liberal Socialism/Communism worse than our homegrown variety have messed up America ... so leave us be.  You don't know much about Texas or you wouldn't try such a stupidious stunt.  Texas is a Republic, governed by laws not the majority mob,  and is unlike any other state ... unless it's Oklahoma.  RB

Obama Administration: UN Election
Observers “Immune” to State Laws

The Obama Administration made it clear that Texas better not arrest any UN election observers. They claim these observers have full immunity, regardless of state laws. This was in response to a statement Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot issued to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) telling them that their international election-observing representatives will be subject to criminal prosecution if they are found within a hundred feet of a polling place. The State Department’s spokesman (is that word sexist?) Victoria Nuland explained:
“I’m not going to get into any kind of hypothetical situations or predict where this is going to go other than to say we have every expectation that this will be worked out and to state the fact, which is that under U.S. law they are eligible for immunities…[I]f there are concerns that Texas authorities have, they have an opportunity through the direct dialogue that’s now going on in Texas with OSCE observers to take up their concerns. But the mandate of the OSCE is designed to be absolutely and completely impartial, and that’s what we plan on when we participate and that’s what we’d expect here.”

Sure, OSCE is “absolutely and completely impartial.” There’s nothing to worry about. They’re just going to be making sure no “voter suppression” is going on. They want to make sure that we have “free and democratic elections” where everybody gets to cast a vote for Obama, whether you’re an American citizen or not.
Reporters weren’t able to get spokesman to confirm or deny whether the State Department was forcing Texas not to arrest UN election observers, only saying that they are “eligible for immunities.” These government officials have to leave their words as vague as possible so as to keep the national media away. If they dared be more specific or forthright, it might turn into a national story, and the Obama Administration doesn’t want any attention over this.
It doesn’t take a lot of reading between the lines to figure out that these international election observers will not be subject to state laws. At least that’s what the Obama Administration has dictated. I still think Texas should arrest these UN agents and hold them until after Election Day. It’s not like they have to bring charges against them, or have evidence or probable cause. Thanks to the Patriot Act and the NDAA, people can be detained indefinitely without probable cause by government officials who ignore the Fourth Amendment. Our own government is immune to the laws that it enforces. So, Texas and all other states should “unlawfully” arrest these UN officials and detain them indefinitely. It doesn’t mean that they will be prosecuted under the respective state laws. It just means that police will hold them in custody. You can be immune and still get arrested. And if that happens, the State Department can blame themselves for not being specific enough.

Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/7785/obama-administration-un-election-observers-immune-to-state-laws/#ixzz2AoUhWP9S

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