Oct 30, 2012

God Has Used Obama To Reveal America's Dark Side

Common Sense Commentary: "Open their eyes, and ... turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God...." Acts 26:18

Since I was a boy, many years ago, in the 1930's, I have observed the moral fiber of our country being worn away.  Justice, character, honesty, and Christian faith have all diminished.  I have long known America was destined for judgement and I have preached it over the years.  Immorality has reached unbelievable depths.  I have known that the average moral quotient in our country's citizens was very weak.  But until Obama, I did not know just how weak, how extremely, pitifully anemic.  Sick unto death.  When the facts that are known of Obama are so atrocious as to be unimaginable: And the hundreds of deeply questionable, hidden, shadows sealed up by him are so numerous that we know far less about him than any previous President and  anyone else in public life.  And yet, a morally descent, highly capable man like Romney is seemingly despised, in preference of such a man as Obama, by 50% of Americans.  That is beyond the pale of imagination, a jolting awakening that we are indeed a sinful, blinded nation.  How depraved and utterly empty are we, when half the population can be so easily swayed to follow this man right into the flames of national destruction and loss of our freedoms?  Who would ever have believed our nation could reverse course from "Christian America", under a sacred Constitution, to a suicidal, willful dive off the cliffs of destiny?  Yes, Obama has opened my eyes to a very scary reality.  America is finished if we continue on this course.

Using only what we all now know about Obama, not including all his sealed records and history, imagine a giant set of spiritually accurate scales.  Now put all we know about Obama in one side and the weight of "trust" in those who put him in office and still support him, in the other side and see how weighty is the trustworthiness of such people's judgement.  It is as weightless as foam on a stormy sea of sin.  I do not trust anyone's judgement who walks in agreement with such a man.

 Matthew 8:22 "But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead."

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