Oct 22, 2012

Proof Positive Tea Partiers Are Wild-Eyed Fanatics

Here it is ... the smoking gun, video of weird, extremist Tea Partyers threatening to poison old peoplestarve little children and stir up a revolution.  Yeah, they are scary.... waving flags and carrying signs of death and destruction. They want to pollute the  ecology, cause floods and hurricanes, and kill all gays, prostitutes, welfare recipients ... and murder Social Security and starve fat people like you and me.  Don't be deceived by their white wigs and wrinkled masks.  Them crutches and cains is CIA spy guns. They are really young troublemakers pretending to be old folks.... The baby buggies prove it.  They are a bunch of deceiving liars, unlike me and our beloved, honest, slinder, transparent and all American President... and me.  I'm tellin you horse sense right from the donkey's mouth.  RB (Robber Barron)

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