Nov 29, 2012

62 Years Ago Today, Orace Edwards & I Survived

Common Sense Commentary: This is an e-mail exchange today, between two old Marines who survived in Hell Fire Valley to serve our Lord. As Orace says in his e-mail to me, our Lord gets all the credit for anything we may have accomplished in this life. Neither of us would have lived these past 62 years except for His love, forgiveness and grace. I love you Orace. You were my brother in battle and you are my eternal brother in the Lord. God 's best to you ... and I'll see you in glory when all of this is done. Psm.115:1, Rayburn

(Orace, it's interesting to me that Nov.29, 1950 was also a Thursday. My mother was at a Wednesday night prayer meeting in Arlington when we entered Hell Fire Valley in North Korea. RB)

Thursday, Nov.29, 2012
Hello Rayburn

62 Years Ago TODAY you and I were on Task Force Drysdale and the Truck I was on was blown up in Hell Fire Valley. I know the Hand of God had to be on me or I would never have made it. Your probably one of the ones that helped Save me from possibly being captured or who knows what. I'll always feel a debt of gratitude to you and to God for placing you there to help me. That experience was Life changing to this then 19 year old boy too.

God took me down a path that gave me an opportunity to love God back through the ministry of Gospel music (The Harbinger Singers 1970 -1975) that achieved Group of The Year in 1973 in the SGMA and the Love Notes). My wife and I were also Team Teaching the 4th 5th and 6th graders, and visitation for God in our church at Grand Prairie, Texas, - Arabi, Louisiana, - Canoga Park, California then Back to Grand Prairie, Texas in 1968.

I was also allowed to help Build Evangel Temple Assembly of God Church in Grand Prairie and always felt like I got more out of the Experiences than I put in. Myself and one other Person Literally Electrically wired the Church Sanctuary (I soldered all the connections and the Electrical Inspector Passed them), The school Class Rooms and Gym that housed the Church School that My Youngest Son (That Sang with My Wife and I in the "Love Notes" Group) Graduated from. The Church got an Electrically Wired Church Building - I got the knowledge of being able to wire up anything I ever wanted to after that. Who got the best deal?

Now age has made my hands too shaky and weak to now only be able to have my middle son do it and show him how to do the complicated things. I can also no longer play my Guitar.

I can still type on my Computer Key board with my two fingers.

My wife used to Type over 100 words per minute when I was in College (Texas A&M). Went to College as a Disabled Vet.(Public Law 16)

You've Got me beat on offspring. I have 4 Children, 4 Grand Children and so far 2 Great Grand Children. All but one lives in Arlington.

I don't Text, Don't Facebook, Don't Tweeter, or Blog.

A lady (Lynnita Brown) at korean did write my memoir for me, I fed her the information through a series of online interviews and she wrote it with me Proofing it. I'm an Engineer and sure not a writer. My wife is pretty good at writing. She is smarter than I am. I'm more Educated, but she is smarter., and there is a difference.

I was very lucky to get her 60 years ago. (It was probably not Luck).

We found out about 2007 that she is Ed Miller's first cousin. It is a Small World. Her father and Ed's Mother were siblings.They lived a block away from each in Texarkana other until she was began the 5th Grade.

God Bless you and your family

and Semper Fi

My answer to Orace:

Orace, I can't tell you what a blessing that testimony is to me. Thanks for sharing it. I think all us old guys have some of the problems you mentioned or others just as bad or worse. And, of course, I have a few of my own. God spared us both, Orace, and not by accident. He had His own purpose for our lives... Rom.8:28. Would it be OK with you if I reprinted your testimony, and incorporated it in a blog. If you would like to change anything or add anything, let me know. There weren't but about 20 of us at that particular place on the Drysdale Convoy and we were alone with a truck load of wounded,cut off from  both ends of the convoy. We were the last truck which got in to Hagaru-ri at the Chosin. We were the tail end of the front third who made it through. Everything behind us was killed or captured except for those way back nearer Koto-ri, where we jumped off from that morning. A few made it back.  I doubt that there are more than 8 or 10 of the 20 with us left. If you would rather I not publish it, I understand. Let me know. Psm.115:1, Rayburn

From: Orace Edwards
Date: Thursday, November 29, 2012, 4:38 PM
As for as I know every thing I said is the Truth. I'm too Lazy to Lie. I would have to keep track of when I did to not contradict myself.
My memoir pretty tells the same thing. It's long but can be accessed on Google by using my Name "Orace Leon Edwards"
I don't mind, but God gets the Credit for anything that I've accomplished. and gets none of the Blame for any of my short Coming.
I've attached My favorite Song from our Album that I believe that Got the New Harbinger Singers Group Of The Year in 1974 of the Southern Gospel Music Association.
I'll have to give you some CD's of them and of the Love Notes.
Hope the song comes through.
Semper Fi



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