Nov 12, 2012

A Peculiar Contradiction Of Conscience

Common Sense Commentary: "...for thou that judgest doest the same things." Rom.2:1

As raunchy and immoral as the world is, the average, intelligent person usually still appreciates good, clean humor, wholesomeness in others and forgiveness... in others.  Even the average non-Christian wants his/her own children, parents, spouse and practically everyone else to be more moral than themselves.  Many also give good advice to others, which they do not have the will to take.  Even wicked Hollywood actors know exactly how to portray a descent, clean living, likable and forgiving person .... though they, themselves may continually live just the opposite.  And then there are those parents who smoke and drink or lie or curse, but forbid it in their own children because they know it is wrong.

It's a huge contradiction, but has undoubtedly been going on since Adam and Eve.  The fact is, these examples illustrate the depraved nature of all human flesh.  But, God sent the Holy Spirit to convict our conscience of right and wrong and our desperate need to be better ... clean ... and forgiven, but our sinful flesh "naturally" rebels against a spiritual rebirth.  This is what the whole Bible is about, with Messiah Christ Jesus at the center of God's plan of redemption from our sins.

The bottom line is, as Jesus said in the verse following John 3:16, "... ye must be born again".  John 3:17. Anyone who truly wants to be saved from the consequences of their sins.... will be, if they yield it all to God through Christ. RB

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