Nov 23, 2012

America In A Word: Emasculated

Common Sense Commentary: If you were to ask me to describe, in a word, the following ten segments of American society, my answer would be....

1. Large City Ghetto Culture.... SAVAGE !

2. Stock Markets/Wall Street .... UNTRUSTWORTHY !

3. Educational System .... DYSFUNCTIONAL !

4. Major News Media .... PRECONTRIVED !

5. Democrat Party .... NARCISSISTIC !

6. Republican Party.... INEFFECTUAL !

7. Other Political Parties .... IRRELEVANT !

8. Labor Unions .... CROOKEDASASNAKE !

9. Churchianity .... HYPOCRITICAL !

10. True Christianity .... STARLIGHT....
       on a dark night, is that much more important !

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