Nov 8, 2012

"Christian America" Is Now "Secular America"

Common Sense Commentary: The 13 news headlines below were all news items today, Nov. 8, 2012.   These kinds of things would have been unthinkable, to see in the news, as recently as 10 or 15 years ago.  This is what the United States Of America has become.  Our country was known world-wide as "Christian America" since it's founding and basically, it was true with a lot of exceptions.  But I speak in the past tense.  America no longer qualifies to be called Christian.  It's Foundation is still Christian but it's structure is rotting away, unmaintained and falling apart. True Christians are far outnumbered in the U.S. today. It has become a secular state, at best, and seems to be headed toward a state of "unbelief", agnosticism/ atheism, as it's creed.  So how should Christians proceed?  We should simply walk in the foot-steps of Christ, live our faith, witness it to non-Christians, trust God and continue to serve Him.... but more faithfully than in the past.  And, look up  "for your redemption draweth nigh." Luke 21:28   "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."

Headline in black.  Comment in purple.

Detroiters Elect 8-Time Ex-Con As State Rep...
Are there no non-criminals in Detroit or among the President's czars?

MUSLIM BROS: Obama Needs To 'Accept The Will Of The Arab People'...  He already has!

Author of Anti-Muslim Film Sentenced to Year in Prison...
Did anyone go to jail for all the anti-Christian films and radio/TV material? No!

REUTERS: 'Victory puts Obama in position to expand government's reach'... With no more elections, we will now see the real man for the next four years.

Gay Marriage Makes Gains in States...  Three more states voted in favor of it.

States back recreational use of marijuana... Marijuana, the door into hard drugs, is now nailed open.

THE DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA...  The negative half is in the majority.

How Media Tipped Scales in Obama's Favor... The major media is now the unrestrained voice of Socialism.

Looting Reaches Epidemic Levels... Stop a looter and ask him for whom he voted.

Masked man robs store, tells clerk to vote Obama... 79% of convicts agree with him.

Man fights city to grow vegetables in yard... When a person cannot have a garden in his own yard, the gods are crazy.

OBAMA WINS 39% OF WHITES... There is prejudice here but it is not the 39%.

CA votes to weaken 'three strikes' law... Now habitual criminals have no real limitations to their criminality in the U.S. trend setting state of California.



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