Nov 6, 2012

On The Positive Side: A Blessing In Disguise

Common Sense Commentary: As much as I wanted to be rid of Obama, I wanted God's  will far more.  Why would it be God's will for Obama to continue as U.S. President for another terrible four years? I can't speak for God on this, but He could easily have dumped Obama with another few conservative votes... but He didn't.
He still can.  There are other ways, but God could be holding Obama in place so he can enjoy the consequences of his slanderous actions.  Nobody on earth can stop what is coming to fruition in the form of a financial hurricane over our entire nation.  Mitt Romney could not have stopped it and neither can anyone else but God Himself and why should He?  We, as a nation do not deserve deliverance. Our national morality meter is bouncing on empty. America can no longer be called a Christian nation. In the Bible, God let wicked kings come in and persecute his people Israel many times for their sins in turning away from God. Would He not do the same for "Christian America" if we have followed the example of Israel?  He would and He has.

If the Republicans had won the Presidency, Romney and they would have been blamed for not fixing the unfixable mess we are in and would have been voted out four years from now and another Socialist Liberal would be elected to trample us under foot for another four years.  But, as it turns out, now, Obama and the Democrats will get full credit for the venom injection they conceived ... when it is hatched out, in the next four years, like a den of rattle snakes.  Obama and the Socialist Liberals have brought us here to the den so let them deal with the soon coming consequences of snake-handling.

One of the worst things about Obama for another four years is that he will get to appoint ... probably 4 or 5 new Supreme Court Justices which will, of course turn Court decisions to the left.  But that will be less destructive than what Socialism will do to us before it is over.

Regardless of the difficulties and hardships which are impending, God is still on the throne and will help his people through it all.  Trust Him, do what you can and leave the rest up to Him.  We will make it through no matter what happens and then, of course, Jesus has his hand on the door knob.  RB

1 comment:

  1. Great post pastor Blair. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Even so, come...


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