Nov 14, 2012

Survival, Sucess and Spirituality Are A Way Of Life

Not Luck or Chance.  Survival is mostly accomplished by people who have a survival mentality.... Survivors!  They are almost always analyzers, planners, preparers and action oriented people.  They keep up with current events and world trends so they can anticipate the likelihood of difficult reversals and dangerous situations which the vast majority of people disregard.  Survival is seldom random, accidental or incidental, but due to diligent planning and quick action. Most people do not plan beyond, "If I need help, somebody will save me".  The only preparation they make is voting for those they think will bail them out or rescue them in crisis.  They sell their freedom for security... promised by some politician, political party, friend, or employer.  The fact is, when the chips are down, the average person rescues only those who can do something for them.  when you are both in a crisis, they rescue themselves.  In a real, nation wide Armageddon type crisis, they help themselves, their family, their house and their stuff, not yours.  Those most likely to help you are those expert survivors who are so prepared and secure that they have time for you.  Survival is a way of life not luck or chance.

Success is built on very similar attributes as those of survivors.  Successful people are most likely to also be survivors.  They are more financially able to make preparations, spend the time required, and help you.  By success, I do not mean just wealth, but the mentality to organize, sacrifice, save, and build a life and a business.  This does not include those cheaters, crooked business people or heartless multinational corporations.  When Obama said, "You didn't build that", to business people, he was only about 95% wrong.  Some business people inherited it.  But their parents built it, not the government.   Success is a way of life, not luck or chance.

Spirituality is somewhat similar, but the analyzing is in Bible study.  The planning is mostly on how best to serve God and reach others for Christ.  The preparation is usually done through a church, giving, attending Christian seminars and classes. All of that requires money and it's not enough to say, "God will supply the money".  How does God supply finances for a church and all it's expenses?  Does He drop it on you from heaven or does He use people to tithe and give offerings?  And how do the givers give money to God?  Do they throw it up into the sky or send it by mail, addressed to "God in heaven" or do they bring it to His church and give it there, or give to a needy person, directly?  That's the only way we can give money to God. If those givers have any money they are willing to give, they already have a certain amount of life success and employment or business success too.  This kind of people also pray and love and forgive.  You may say, "I know some who do not".  Yes, there are always  some of those in every church; but they are in the minority.  There was only one among the Apostles ... Judas.  That's one twelfth.  True Christianity and Spirituality are not achieved by luck or chance.  It is a way of life.  Committed Christian people preparing for eternity and for giving an account to God are more giving and helpful than any other segment of any society.   RB

All three of the above attributes are very often found in the same people.

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