Dec 24, 2012

Christmas Gift

Common Sense Commentary:

Even if you are a billionaire, you cannot give God a gift greater than yourself.  If you are a king on a throne, it is not your throne or crown or castle God wants... but you.
Your denomination or reverend may prefer those things to you ... but not God. Your wealth, titles, and all you possess are temporal and will turn to dust ... but you are dust which has became eternal.  "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." God created you in His own image and likeness and intended you to be His child... not by physical birth but by a born again, spiritual birth.  He accepts you to be His eternal child only if you accept Him to be your eternal Father ... through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, as your Saviour from the wages of sin.

That is why Christ came into this world as the baby Jesus in Bethlehem, lived a sinless life and gave it on Calvary as payment for the gift of life... for your sins and mine.  Now, the only thing He wants from you, for Christmas.... is you. RB

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