Dec 14, 2012

Gun Related Deaths in D.C. Greater Than Iraq Or Newtown, Conn.

Common Sense Commentary:  "Where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." James 3:16.  "God is not the author of confusion...." 1 Cor.14:33
"O Lord, to us belongeth confusion..., to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against thee." Dan.9:8

Gun Logic 101 - An interesting letter in the Australian Shooter Magazine this week: "If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers. The firearm death rate in Washington, DC is 80.6 per 100,000 for the same period. That means you are about 25 per cent more likely to be shot and killed in the U.S. capitol, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the U.S., than you are in Iraq." Conclusion: The U.S. should pull out of Washington DC ???  99% of those D.C. guns, used in murders, were illegal and used by criminals, but were used nevertheless... illegally.   On the other hand, if just one teacher, in that Conn. school, where 26 teachers and students were murdered today, had been trained and in possession of a license and  one pistol, this tragedy could have been far less horrendous or prevented altogether. Good citizens do not do these crimes. This man had already murdered his mother... shot her in the face her home and later killed himself. It is now known, he should already have been in jail or a mental institution.  This very dangerous Psychopath, Adam Lanza, cared nothing at all about gun laws or any laws whatever, and broke six Connecticut laws in this one day. Among them were these  .... He stole the guns,  he murdered this mother and then those at the school.  Breaking and entering.... he broke into the school through a window to circumvent a locked-door and intercom security system. He broke three gun-control statutes: Connecticut law requires a person be over 21 to possess a handgun. Lanza was 20.   Connecticut requires a permit to carry a pistol on one’s person, a permit Lanza did not have.  It is also unlawful in Connecticut to possess a firearm on public or private elementary or secondary school property. 

The gun control laws already in existence do not stop the criminal element from getting guns, and the gun control laws proposed would simply take the guns away from the very people who could put a stop to this kind of tragedy....descent, upright citizens who have the courage and ability to deal with these situations.  Police can't be everywhere on every site of a gun crime ... but capable citizens are there already.

Keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and murderers is only half the equation. Keeping guns in the hands of the well trained good guys, on the job, is the other half; because the bad guys are always going to have guns regardless of laws against them.
The unintended consequences of pseudo gun-control is to disarm the good citizens, but be unable to disarm the bad citizens, criminals, murderers and even Tyrannical, Nazi and Communist type governments which our founding fathers foresaw as a possibility in framing the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.

Where, oh where has old fashioned horse sense, common sense and rational thinking disappeared to in these United States? That simple deduction demonstrated in the old allegories, Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater, Use your head for something besides a hat-rack and A stitch in time saves nine?  God give us again some farmers,  builders and pole climbers in government offices or at least some successful business-men who know something about balancing a budget and paying bills. Have mercy. RB

Adam Lanza, Goth Loner, Mother hater, child murderer dressed in black.

Sandy Hook Elementary Heroine and Teacher, Victoria Soto
who saved her class.

Vicki hid her kids in closets and when the gunman came into her room she said the class was in gym. She was then murdered. Not one of her students were harmed.
Which lifestyle will your child follow?  Maybe which ever one
you encourage and what you allow and disallow them to do.
Do you pray for your child and set the example of a Christian
before them each day? "Train up a child in the way he should go..." RB

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