Dec 5, 2012

Leading A Doubter To Christ

Common Sense Commentary: "The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory." Psm.97:6.  How do "the heavens declare his righteousness..."?
"And God said, let there be ..." Gen.1:2.  God spoke the worlds into existence out of nothing except the power of His word. E=MC2, and MC2=E. Therefore, every thing in the universe is full of His word and the energy of His word. The entire universe speaks the word of God and nothing denies it with a smidgen of faith.

After many years of counseling and, as a Pastor, dealing with every strata of education, wealth, intelligence and personality, of people, I can say with confidence that people's perception of what is true is more common than the reality of it.  Of course, reality is by far the most important, but perception is, nevertheless, what we must confront and deal with .... and, if possible, convince.

Convincing someone of a reality, which is contrary to what they have been convinced of since youth, is never an easy matter.  Convince a man against his will and he is of the same opinion still.  If a person is to be truly convinced, the proposition must become their very own conclusion, embraced as fact ... true reality in their own mind.

In convincing other people of the truths of Christ, we must first recognize the absolute necessity of God's word and Holy Spirit in this all important endeavour.  "A bishop must be .... Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers." Titus 1:7-9.
The Holy Spirit of God works through His word, the Bible ... which is, "the faithful word"  in the above verse ....(full of faith word).

Another important reality to keep in mind in leading others to Christ is this: God does not give faith to believe a lie.  True faith comes from only one source ... The Bible.
"Faith cometh by hearing ... the word of God." Rom.10:17.  There is no other source of saving faith... true faith. Therefore, an unbeliever cannot know for sure, or have faith, in his unbelief.  He always has doubt but never faith in his denial of God or Jesus or God's word.  This fact is to the advantage of the witness for Christ.  Don't let the unsaved person convince you of his certainty in his unbelief or his belief in a false religion. Deal with his doubt of what he says he believes or doesn't believe. He cannot be certain of an untruth... really certain, because untruth has no basis for true faith.  God is reality.  There is no other reality without God.  "The heavens declare the glory of God." Psm.19:1.  The unbeliever may be an agnostic (doesn't know) but he cannot be a true atheist (no God) because, I repeat, God does not give faith to believe a lie. So zero in to his doubt and pour God's word through that open cavity of secret doubt.  No need to mention the doubt, he will simply deny it and take offence. Your knowing it is sufficient  motivation to deal with it.  Ignore objections, denials and distracting questions. Shine God's truth and reality, like a laser light into his doubt. RB

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