Dec 26, 2012

Yes, I Love The Lord, But What Can I Do When ...

Common Sense Commentary:   "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Eph.6:13.

But what  can I do when I am old and unable ?  STAND!

But what can I do when I am sick and weak ? STAND!

But what can I do when I don't have a job ? STAND!

But what can I do when I am bankrupt ? STAND!

But what can I do when I am a failure ? STAND!

But what can I do when I am divorced ? STAND!

But what can I do when my mate dies ? STAND !

But what can I do when people lie about me ? STAND!

But what can I do when a loved one hates me ? STAND!

But what can I do when I want to give up ? STAND!

But what can I do when the world falls apart ? STAND!

But what can I do when our Republic dies ? STAND!

But what can I do when I lose everything? STAND!

But what can I do when I don't feel like standing ? STAND!

Rayburn Blair... still standing at 82 ... at my computer ....
in my easy chair... dozing off.

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