Jan 21, 2013

A Great Awakening Has Stopped Snoring

Common Sense Commentary:  "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." Eph.5:14.

The Nobility, pyramid capstone class, of the world, had better start looking for a lower slot or a hole.  Those on the top, in charge, are going to suffer the blame for the painful problems tormenting those on the bottom of the pyramid (Nobility's word) or pile (peasant's word).  When the money printing stops, because it won't buy anything or pay the bills anymore, for Joe Twelve Pack, Mrs Six Pack and their young Packs ... who are all looking for a job, all hades is going to break loose.  A young jobless guy who has to live with instructions from Mom and rules from Dad, and can't afford car payments or even gas, and his girl just left with a government employee, and worst of all, his cell provider dumped him ... he's dangerous.  Mom and Dad might settle with food stamps and a small sack, but he wants a good job or else free gas, free food, free love, a free pad and free cell hours, to which he is accustomed ... at home or college.

So far the Obama social planners have been able to keep the lid on this boiling pot, by pumping out money, but the effectiveness of their "Quantitative Easing" is rapidly diminishing.  They've been stuffing currency in the holes, cracks and their hip pockets on this rotting, Socialistic hulk of our once proud, Ship of State, but the leakage is now beyond human remedy.  It's a bad sign when the Captain's crew begin to hide in the life-boats. RB  

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