Jan 11, 2013

Contradictions Are Screaming At Our National Conscience

Common Sense Commentary:  Our United States of America is not about to go over the fiscal cliff, we have already gone over it fiscally, spiritually,  mentally, and morally, we just haven't hit the bottom yet.  We thought we could fly and are still flapping our arms and lips, but are in free-fall with no parachute or giganic trampoline to save us ... but everything seems fine... so far. Just don't look down. RB

1. Spiritual & Moral Example


If  there is one single example, easily understood,

by the average American, of the spiritual  and moral 

condition of our nation, it is probably this.... 


Bill Clinton named 'Father of the Year'

1/9/13 3:38 PM EST
Former President Bill Clinton is getting props for being a good dad.
Clinton was named the “Father of the Year” by the National Father’s Day Council on Wednesday.  (All you other dads must be in really bad shape. He's not thinking what she's thinking. RB)

2. Mental & Moral Deficites

If there was ever one single example, easily understood,
by the average American, of the mental and moral
condition of our country it is probably this ....
Strongest Gun Laws In America

Are in Chicago and Washington D.C

Highest Murder Rates In America ...

Are in Chicago and Washington D.C.


3. Fiscal & Moral Obligations

If  there is a single example, easily understood, by the
average American, of the fiscal and moral condition
of our nation, it is probably this ......

USA Largest Debtor Nation On Earth

We owe $16,500,000,000,000 (trillions) in borrowed money
plus over $100,000,000,000,000 (trillions) in promised and
contracted, legal obligations and tax income won't cover
the interest on the debt if it is raised to 100%.

But our government is borrowing another $trillion plus
every year which they know can never be paid back.
Common Sense Commentary fails me. RB

1 comment:

  1. Dear "National Fathers Day Council"...yeah, you guys. Bill Clinton, Father of the Year?
    Now that's just about the ultimate oxymoron. I especially like the moron part......or in this case it would be morons.


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