Jan 16, 2013

Crime Skyrockets In Australia As Guns Destroyed

Common Sense Commentary: Let me first tell you what is happening right here in America.   The Obama Administration is in an all out attack on gun owners, not crime, in the U.S.A.  They have unlimited funds, which they can "print" at will ... and will.  They have a propaganda machine in the Main Street Media and Hollywood. This is a "last ditch" stand for Second Amendment Rights to own a gun in this country. If you think "It can't happen in America", you are dead wrong.  This same fight has been raging in Australia for years and the "bad guys"  (government) have just won the battle and are collecting civilian guns and destroying them or putting those who won't turn in their guns, in jail plus heavy fines.  If we Americans don't wake up and stop our own variety of  Liberal, anti-gunowner, terrorists, we will soon be under the heel of the only gun owners in America, our government, drug pushers, muggers, rapists psychopaths, and Muslim terrorists.  What can you do?  Take a stand for your Constitutional Rights, even if you don't own a gun.  Speak up to your friends, and in the name of Common Sense, vote.   If you wouldn't want to be an unarmed civilian, under National Socialist (Nazi) domination in Germany in the 1930's, when 7 million Jews and a million others were murdered, or in  Communist Russia and USSR, after all civilian guns were forcefully confiscated, and 30 to 60 million civilians were murdered by the Socialist government and more millions raped, robbed and savaged, you had better wake up and say "No" to these Socialist idiots right here in the USA. The video on Australia is just below, but first read what the NRA just sent out to members:
 It's not about protecting children. It's not about stopping crime.

It's about banning your guns…PERIOD!

Last week, NRA sat in on a White House meeting that was sold to the public as an "open discussion" about how to improve school safety. But that was a dirty lie.

They didn't listen to gun owners' concerns…they didn't consider any real solutions on how we can keep our kids safe…instead Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and their gun ban allies in Congress only want to BLAME you, VILIFY you, BULLY you, and STRIP you of your Second Amendment freedoms.

Right now, they're steamrolling ahead with legislation that would ban your guns, register your ammunition purchases, and even force you to register the firearms you already own with Obama's anti-gun bureaucrats.

This video reveals what has already happened in Australia where the civilians believed "It could never happen in Australia" and most did nothing to stop it. It is now law.  How on earth can people be so docile and dumb as to sit by and tolerate being harnessed up to slavery? RB

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=fGaDAThOHhA

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