Jan 30, 2013

Is Black Prejudice Still A Major Problem In The U.S.?

Yes, black prejudice against whites is, but white prejudice against blacks is no longer a major problem.  Black crime against whites has increased drastically, in recent years, but white crime against blacks is now practically non-existent. When it does happen, it is plastered across the major news networks. World Net Daily reports on this new phenomena, but the Liberal  news media refuses to do so. Times have indeed changed.
The ironic thing is, that black crime against blacks is also increasing rapidly.

I can't help believing that the vast majority of white Americans would agree with this article even though most of them are afraid of saying, out loud, what I am saying, for fear of being labeled "racist".  Jesus said, "The truth shall make you free."

It is true, of course, that many Americans, in the generations before mine, mistreated and even persecuted blacks and some terribly so.  It is also true that many Americans were prejudiced against blacks, in my generation. But, the fact is, that very few Americans are blindly prejudiced against blacks today.... simply because they are black. The election of a black as president of the United States, twice, is incontrovertible proof that more than 50% of Americans are not prejudiced against blacks.  But, at least 80 or 90% of those, whom I know, who voted against President Obama, including myself, did so because or his record of radical political and  economic views and goals for our country, which are almost totally opposite to our own.  To my knowledge, nobody I know is prejudiced against blacks, because they are black. If they are prejudiced at all, it is because of a negative perception of character flaws in an individual or group of individuals, but definitely not because of color, sex or nationality. There are too many wonderful blacks who are loved by these same conservative, good people.  I am prejudiced against all atheists and Communists, but I am not, in the least, prejudiced against all Chinese simply because China is still governed by Communists and maybe the majority of Chinese, in China, are also Communists. Any black man who is experienced, moral, a Conservative, is qualified, and a Constitutionalist, I would vote for.  If he is the best person seeking the job, he deserves it. All of my friends know this is true of me.  On any of the last seven presidential elections, I would have voted for either Walter Williams,  Rep. Allen West or even Rep. J.C. Watts,  all black, as president, in preference to any of those who were elected, black or white, and I voiced this opinion. (See their quotes below).  (Ronald Reagan was the last real Consevative to hold that office). There are actually few professional politicians I would vote for, white or black, for any office.

I do not discriminate between people based on their color, nationality or sex.
The only discrimination I have is in favor of anyone who is honest, holds the best job he can find, earns his pay, is moral, responsible, loyal, self reliant, clean talking, respects others is pro-life and pro-traditional marriage, and defends our U.S. Constitution.  I give an extra salute to those who are also Christians and good witnesses.  But there are many professing Christians who would make poor leaders in any position, and for whom I would not vote.  My prejudice is based on character and ability, not color or class or even religion.  I am also prejudiced against anyone who is lazy, dishonest, cruel, irresponsible, and generally opposit to the description above, though I would always witness to them of the saving grace of Christ.

It is my sincere opinion that, as of recent years, and in the future, almost all rejection or acceptance of blacks will be on the same basis as of anyone else.... their own qualities of character or lack thereof. 

I may be one of the first to say these things....but I will not be the last. RB

Walter Edward Williams, mentioned above, is an American economist, commentator, and academic. He is the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, as well as a syndicated columnist and author known for his strong, conservative views. He is a strong Constitutionalist and patriotic American. RB

Walter Williams Quote: There are people in need of help. Charity is one of the nobler human motivations. The act of reaching into one's own pockets to help a fellow man in need is praiseworthy and laudable. Reaching into someone else's pocket is despicable and worthy of condemnation.

J.C. Watts Quote:
Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught.

Allen West Quote: 
In his speech today to the United Nations, President Obama stated six times that the attacks across the Islamic world are attributed to a silly video. Furthermore, he refused to use the words terrorist attack in referring to what occurred in Benghazi Libya at our US Consulate on the 11th anniversary of 9-11. He continues to offer up apologies instead of defending our hard earned First Amendment right to freedom of speech and expression. There is no message to this silly video trailer, and it is beneath the dignity and esteem of the Office of the President of the United States to mention it at all. When tolerance becomes a one way street it leads to cultural suicide. I shall not be tolerant of the intolerant. I know about the UN Resolution 1618 which would make any statement deemed by the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) “offensive’ to Islam a crime…..NOT ON MY WATCH FELLAS!
My statement to the United Nations would have been, “The future does not belong to those who attack our Embassies and Consulates and kill our Ambassadors. The Angel of Death in the form of an American Bald Eagle will visit you and wreak havoc and destruction upon your existence”



  1. One additional point I would make to Dad's straightforward account is to remind us all that our Saviour Jesus Christ was absolutely color blind when it came to people. He looks into the heart of man to see what kind of man or woman they are.
    Great article Dad.


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