Jan 27, 2013

There Are Moments... Gravel & Jewels In The Night

Common Sense Commentary: "We wrestle... against the rulers of the darkness of this world...." Eph.6:12.   "Christ in you, the hope of glory...." Col.1:27. 

There are moments, usually in the wee hours of the night,when I awake and cannot sleep, that a wave of something akin to foreboding sweeps over me.  It is not God, but the powers of darkness.  It isn't fear, but a dreadful anticipation of a growing, evil control of the earth. It's not the absence of God, but the presence of that evil ... seeking that control. It's not  long lasting, but departs when sleep returns or with prayer and the dawn.

There are other moments, relaxing in my chair or bed, eyes closed, thinking of the things of our Lord, when a holy, pleasant glow happens in by soul.  It's not physical, but spiritual. It isn't the outer man but the inner.  It is not exciting, but preciously peaceful. It's not pride in myself, but comfort in Christ. It isn't my righteousness, but repentance and gratitude. And it's not even me ..... It's Christ ... in me. I wish it for everyone. RB

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