Jan 10, 2013

World-Wide Whirlpool With The Plug Pulled

Common Sense Commentary:  "And he (Jesus) said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15.

Please, people, America doesn't need any more addicts, narcissists, worshipers of sex,   athlete stars and movie idols, or beautiful bodies, money, power or fame.  What America needs is God's people living their faith and sharing Jesus with associates, neighbors, relatives and every other kind of human being.  There is no other hope for America or for people world-wide.... none. America and the world are in such a hopeless mess that only God Himself can save us.... and that is why Jesus came here.

 Humanity is like a huge pool full of toxic, dirty water with the plug pulled and one large whirlpool circling the drain.  There go the atheists, agnostics, doubters, and oblivious unbelievers ... all eternal souls for whom Christ died and whom He loved ... going down that dark, forever sink hole.... without Christ.  We can't and won't witness to lost souls without loving them for Jesus.  He still loves their eternal souls.  If He could love us, He loves them.  That is the only reason we are saved by grace, eternally redeemed, born again believers in Christ.  And, being Christians, we have no other assignment than worship and faithfully representing Christ to the lost in this old wicked, sin cursed world.  If we do not do that, we will leave this world without accomplishing anything  .... eternal.  Be a ready witness.  Forget your pride and speak up.... In Jesus name.  Spiritual revival with soul sensitivity is the only hope for America and all other nations. RB

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