Feb 8, 2013

A Technology, Medical, Solar, Commodity, Precious Metals Investment In One

Common Sense Commentary:  An interesting contradiction:  How almost everyone, if not everyone, grows up with certain pre-conceived, but erronious prejudices and miss-conceptions that displace clear, obvious reality, facts, and truth itself.

For over 200 years there has been an undue, negative mind-set, in America, against silver and gold, among Christians. The very same persons may speak of the possession of silver and gold as a sign of greed, while they themselves are covetous of their own salaries, savings, investments, nice homes and thousands of dollars worth of stuff, is OK.  Not one of those silver-phoebes who sneer at "those greedy possessors of silver and gold", would turn down a raise in pay or a large profit. And even if others are oblivious to all kinds of "wealth", they are not neutral on food, clothing, heat, cooling, home, bed, car, gas, vacations and all their "stuff" that costs "m o n e y".  I once saw a movie in which the pretty little wife said to her millionaire husband, who had just lost everything, including the mansion and contents, "I don't care a thing about money ..... I just want all my stuff."  Some people cannot see the absolute correlation of "stuff" to "money".  No money, no stuff, no food, no home, no car, no nothing.... of a physical nature. If you say, "God gave it to me, without money." Yes, but God also gave money to the person He used to give it to you. Even if you dug it out of the dumpster, somebody, somewhere paid for it unless it was manna falling from the sky, and you are Moses.

I call my favorite investment, "high tech", but it is also an investment in Medical, Solar, Wind Power, Commodities, Energy, and Precious Metals.  In fact, everything is affected by it even including, as of recently, odorless clothing and enduring lumber, by the application of tiny amounts of silver.

The fact is, of the 300 plus times silver is mentioned in the Bible, almost all of those times it is in a positive light .... not a negative one.  Why those "silver haters" focus on the few negative references, I can't say, but it is a judgemental miss-conception and a bit hypocritical. "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Jesus in Matt.7:1.

Here is a new video on the subject of silver.

Click here and when the link comes up, click on the top screen for video.


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