Feb 4, 2013

Faith In The Fictional Fallacy Of Paper Or Digital Entry

Common Sense Commentary: "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.  It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes."
Psm.118:8-9.              "...Yea, let God be true, but every man a liar...." Rom.3:4
In my youth, a time of national pride, realism and common sense, there was a popular song that said, "It's only a paper moon hanging over a cardboard sky." In those days, many a person trusted silver and gold or a paper currency bill that had "silver or gold certificate" printed on it, which U.S. money did, at that time, not now.  But few people trusted bankers or banks very much nor currency that had nothing backing it up except a government promise. I remember hearing people say, "Oh yes, he is worth a lot ... on paper" or "He is a rich man, but it's all on paper", which meant, He isn't really rich at all. Today almost all wealth is on paper in one form or another, stocks, bonds, shares, contracts, deeds, titles, currency and statements. It has become even more tenuous than that.  It's now recorded in ones and zeros in a digital form on the world wide web and can be lost, stolen, confiscated, taxed or blipped into oblivion with the tap tap of a keyboard or a glitch, virus or bug.

In a previous generation, a paper diploma or degree also meant the person whose name was on it had the specified education. And, if you owned a stock certificate, it generally meant the company was really there and had assets, products and customers. In those times, laws were enforced, and anyone who was doing dishonest business was prosecuted and sent to jail.  In today's world, diplomas are issued to everyone in the class, regardless of grades, and college degrees may or may not mean the bearer is educated.  Paper money has absolutely nothing backing it and a stock certificate is very often not worth the paper and ink wasted on it. A contract once held people to their promises and agreements. No more. Few are willing to go through the ordeal and costs of court action, for justice. A contract holds the honest man to it but the dishonest man ignores it.

Birth Certificates, social security cards and driver's licenses are being computer created (counterfeited) today, in the tens of thousands, so that you never know who or what is legitimate or not.  Even marriage licenses which were once a holy thing, more than a contract, a covenant between a man, a woman, and God, has become nothing but a piece of paper to be violated and discarded at the first whine of whim or will of the whisp.

If you have your savings in cash, CD's or money market funds, it is shrinking backward at the rate of about minus 10%, in inflationary buying power, per annum, while you are earning 2%, if you are lucky.  So you are losing 8% of buying power every year. The currency still looks the same so most people can't understand that it is not. It's called "normalcy bias".... a dollar has always been worth a dollar so it will always be worth a dollar.  The truth is, that dollar, which would once buy a meal, won't even pay a good tip today.  I N F L A T I O N....Fed. money printing.

We are rapidly approaching the time when an employee's value to an employer will be measured in what the employee can actually do rather than how many beautiful certificates of formal education he has, or what is printed on that framed piece of paper called a diploma or degree. A good thing to remember is that paper is paper is paper but knowledge, ability, experience, land, machinery and commodities are not paper but real assets.  Though raw paper coming out of the paper mill is another commodity. Real assets are God created and God given. Paper promises are devised by men and governments. The very best of real assets are not the visible things but the invisible things of God.... Salvation, Faith, Love, Kindness, Peace, Hope, Honesty, Truth ....

In today's world I have about 2% confidence in the strength of leases, contracts, diplomas, degrees, paper currency, bonds or stocks.  In Earthly business, I want to own the business, the land, the equipment, the commodity or the silver or gold, not the paper promises of men.  But much better than that ... I want to own all the promises of God and the eternal security and certainty of those promises which are written on the heart of God.  He does not violate, negate or renege on  His promises. That is the best investment you will ever make, and you can rest your soul on it.... forever.

" Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;  A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle....  he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises." Heb.8:1 & 6

Our "High Priest" is Jesus Christ and the "better covenant" with "better promises" is the New Testament.

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