Feb 23, 2013

God's Top Priority For Every Human Being

Common Sense Commentary:    "For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." 1 Tim.4:8. This verse clearly emphasizes the pre-eminence of spiritual exercise over physical exercise.  Some Christians quote this verse to prove that physical exercise is of "little" value, but that is not the meaning of the word. The Greek word is "oligos" and is also translated, in other references, as "a little time", "a short time", "a while" and "a season".  So it is saying that "bodily exercise" doesn't last long.  It quickly diminishes to weakness unless it is constantly renewed by more exercise or work.  But spiritual exercise is far more "profitable", expansive and enduring. He isn't negating physical exercise but emphasizing the greater value of "godliness".  Jesus said it is the most important thing we can seek. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness...." Matt.6:33.
Someone once made up a verse of scripture that isn't in the Bible ... "Cleanliness is next to godliness".  I'm not exactly sure what is "next to godliness", but godliness is God's primary purpose for us. It is also called "Christ likeness"." Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." 1 Jn.3:2.

When I was growing up, almost everyone had some spiritual values as a result of the fact that, in America, almost everyone went to church and reverenced the Bible .... even if they were not truly Christian ... the influence was there. In those days, and prior, a clear need for physical conditioning, through hard work primarily, was essential to survival in that hard, physical world. Being strong and able was something required of almost everyone trying to make a living and survive. Nearly every job required strength and endurance ... even more than intelligence. Labor was exalted and motivated the establishment of "Labor Day". The most common compliment of someone used to be, "He/She is a hard worker".  A prison sentence to "Hard Labor" meant exactly that. Prisoners did not sit around all day watching TV, playing cards, reading or bored to death; they worked and produced something worth while. Now they lift weights in self defence, hang out with their gangs and look for offences and "disrespect" against themselves. In today's America, hard work is something to be avoided ... two four letter words compounded by each other. Some people have enough character to enjoy hard work but they are in the minority. Stealing and pushing drugs looks like the easy way to avoid work, but that costs a person everything else of value.

Work was the third commandment for Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden. First was "Be fruitful and multiply", second was to take "dominion of the earth"; and third was to "dress and keep" the garden.  That's why God put muscles on us ... but in today's high-tech and intelligenic world, it's all about science, medicine, money, technology, education and globalization. Spirituality and morality have been jettisoned and physical agility and ability are a spare tire, under the back bumper of brain power. Almost everything is OK and acceptable these days but Christ, Christianity and Christian principles..... which are the ultimate and absolute top priority on God's list of most important human endeavour. But in such a distracted world, who cares what God thinks .... except these "radical religious, factional fanatics .... like old Rayburn Blair over there.  RB

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pastor, Mark Sechrest here. NFCS 1981, glad you're still well. You did and are still doing God's work. Semper fi....


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