Feb 17, 2013

Hate's Wounds Are Greater To The Hater

Common Sense Commentary:   "If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar...."  1 Jn.4:20

Love blesses the giver of love more that the receiver. To love someone does me more good, in every way, than it does for them. It doesn't matter whether they love me or not. It's nice if they do, but it's the love in my heart that brings with it the greater good to me.  Even if the person I love, hates me, I would rather be the target of hate than the hater. For hate rots the soul of the hateful, but only hurts the person hated if they let it.

Though hate is an offensive, dangerous weapon, which causes immense damage, it is, nevertheless, more damaging to the health and heart that hates than to the object of it.

Therefore, if you just cannot love someone, don't let your dislike grow into hatred ... lest your self inflicted wounds exceed those of your hate's target.

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