Feb 12, 2013

"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ"

Common Sense Commentary:  "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus...." Phil.2:5.

There is no person on earth from whom we cannot learn something. Babies will teach you ... how to deal with babies or some other amazing revelation about their precious individuality or complexity. If nothing else, they will teach you patience. If not that, diaper humility. A retarded person who seems to have no knowledge to communicate, can teach us in similar, unique ways. We once had a young, retarded man in our mission who, if you gave him your date of birth could instantly tell you what day of the week that fell on, and he was always right.  Even an intolerable human being has something to teach, that you don't know, if only ... "not be be like that."

I have learned some of the best and most important lessons of life from what appeared to be the most unlikely people. We must cultivate the ability to keep our busy minds open to recognize opportunities of learning from everyone God puts in our path, and our "Jesus purpose" for being in their path. They are there for a purpose. God does nothing by mistake or accident. Everyone and everything that happens to us has within it His .... "purpose". "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Rom.8:28.

Do not dismiss or underestimate the importance of every single human being. You will miss some of the most blessed moments in life if you are not sensitive to the eternal importance of all people... to God.  And if to God ... certainly to us. RB

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