Feb 28, 2013

Our Border With Mexico Is A Democrat Disaster

Common Sense Commentary: We have laws, on the books, to 
secure our borders. We need no new laws to make our border
areas safe again; but this diabolical administration is not and
will not enforce those laws, nor let our state law enforcement
agencies do so without constant threats, intimidation and law
suites to  prevent them from doing the job they are duty-bound
to do. In my opinion the Republicans in congress are too afraid to
take action to secure the borders ... because they would lose most
Hispanic votes... which they don't have anyway.  The Democrats
want open borders to gain more young, tax paying "citizens" and
more "Democrat" voters to keep themselves in office to continue
their Liberal, Socialist agenda.  They will, therefore, "give"
blanket amnesty to illegal aliens within the next three years.  If
the President can't get Congress to do his biding, he will issue
another "executive order" to accomplish that purpose, and "declare"
it to be law. Then, a long court battle would ensue but in the mean
time, elections would proceed with illegal aliens voting. It would
never be reversed and he could never be tried or brought to justice
for violating the Constitution.... because the president is exempt
from prosecution.   I "declare"them .... Cowards all, who yield to
this injustice without a fight to the death. They are  treasonous
traitors who violate their oath to uphold our U.S. Constitution.  RB
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