Mar 15, 2013

Cold, Darkness & Death Are Nothing Except The Absence Of Power, Light And Life, Which Are Something

Common Sense Commentary:   Gen.1:1-2 "In the beginning...." (Heb. "reshith" means former or first and is translated beginning, first and first fruits in other verses). Whatever else it means, it  looks back to the past. How far back we can't know, but it surely means back when God first or formerly created it from nothing to something by His infinite power. "... God created the heaven and the earth." This word, "heaven" is the Hebrew word "shamayim", also translated "air" 20 times as in "where the birds fly". It is a reference to what the Bible calls "the first heaven" which is earth's atmosphere only, not the second, where the stars are,or the third heaven where God's throne is. That is important because the next verse, Gen.1:2, says, "And the earth was without form and void...." This verb, "was", in v.2, is the Hebrew word "hayah" and means "to become" not "to be".  In other words, the earth "became" without form and void. The same word, "Hayah" was translated "became" in Gen.2:7 and 19:26. This means that God did not create the earth and it's atmosphere "without form and void", but at some point previous to Gen.1, this created earth "became without form and void".  The Hebrew word translated "void" is "bohu" and means empty and useless. The Hebrew word translated "without form" is "tohu" and means vacant and ruined. I think that the cataclysmic event which caused God's created earth to become without form and void was described in Isa.12:14 when God cast Lucifer (Light Reflector) out of His third heaven into the Earth and it's atmosphere, air. When Lucifer, the Light Reflector of God, was cast out of God's presence, he no longer had any light to reflect and became utter darkness which he brought with him to earth. "And darkness was upon the face of the deep." Gen.1:2.  It happened when Lucifer (Light Reflector) became Satan on Earth and in Earth's atmosphere (air). "... the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit (Satan/Devil/Demon) that now worketh in the children of disobedience ...." Eph.2:2. That "darkness" which is in Satan, "the prince of the power of the air", is the same darkness "now at work in "the children of disobedience" who reject Jesus Christ, "the light of the world". Jn.8:12.

These children of the "Kingdom of darkness" (Matt.6:23) "shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matt.8:12.

Even as cold, which is absolutely nothing except the absence of heat (power); and death is absolutely nothing except the absence of life; so darkness is nothing except the absence of light. Darkness is nothing, but Light is something.  It contains all of God's colors, heat, illumination, healing, vitamin "D", anti-germ power, real chemical content. When the light of God, Jesus Christ, comes into the cold, lifeless darkness, it is all gone, absent, and becomes filled with the warmth and power of light and life of God. The ultimate and only eternal difference in people is the absence or presence of the Spirit Of Jesus Christ, "The Light Of The World". All else if darkness. RB


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