Mar 5, 2013

Our Nation's Concerns Are Out Of Focus

Common Sense Commentary: An ironic thing about America's concerns are  the influence the Liberal news media has on them.  The slant our news media puts on a story tilts the masses of our citizens' concerns in that direction.  If they cover a story about a child being run over in the street, the entire nation becomes concerned about traffic or sidewalks or speeding cars or dangerous curbs or the mother who was distracted by her other child.  But at the same moment, there are tens of thousands of other children dying of abortion,  which is unreported, and millions of precious children around the globe who are dying of starvation, disease or abuse which goes mostly unreported every day and nobody seems to care.

Then, there is a serial killer being executed in Texas and the news media, from around the world, have reporters outside the prison objecting to the death penalty; but the list of tortured, raped or dismembered victims of this vicious murderer, about to be eliminated, go unreported or appears on the back page in few words.  

In the Liberal news media, it appears to be OK to slaughter many thousands of unborn babies, and even make taxpayers foot the bill, but it is a horrible injustice for the state to execute the most vicious, vile and animalistic killer imaginable. It is, "cruel and unusual punishment", they say. 

I can see the headlines, just after the birth of Christ .... "Federal agents of King Herod find hundreds of murdered infants in the wake of escaping couple with unidentified child from Bethlehem".

The Liberal media constantly report on the deaths of every single soldier killed in Iraq or Afghanistan, in the war on terrorism, with pictures of blood, bodies, caskets and weeping families. The media vociferously oppose that war, but spend few words, if any, on the fact that more of our people are violently murdered, each year, in just one city, in America, than in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  A small story in the Chicago Tribune, a few week back, reported that the number of homicides there in 2012 had just passed  500.  That's more than the average, yearly number of our troops killed (451) in both Iraq and Afghanistan over the past five years.  I am personally in favor of the U.S not getting involved, with ground troops, in constant foreign wars. But when we are attacked, we must retaliate or every bully nation and terrorist cell on earth would abuse our country and our traveling citizens constantly.  My point is that over all, crime in America is a far more costly and destructive  element in our financial and moral crises than both these wars. Political, corporate, stock market and street level crime is what is  rotting the very foundations of our nation because the hands of law enforcement have been tied and our court system is so backlogged and sympathetic with criminals, that our very existence as a civilized nation is threatened.

We should let the world know that our new foreign policy is, that any nation which attacks America, or harbors those who do, will have leaflets air-dropped, on their capital city,  warning the citizens to leave, since we will immediately, from the air,  removed their city from existence.  Now, how many foreign capitols, full of crooked politicians, do you think would ignore that?  None.  They would cease and desist, and we would not have to go to war.  RB

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