Mar 11, 2013

The Third Alternative ... Theo-Evolutionist

Common Sense Commentary: The entire human race has, or will, ask themselves, many times,  these greatest of all questions: "Where did I, this earth, the universe and all things come from, why am I here and where am I going.  There has never been a person, who lived past childhood, who did not ask themselves these questions. It is because every single person wants answers to such enormously important information, that thinking people have explored every possibility and every potential answer.  A thousand lifetimes of analysis, evidence, science and theory have resulted in just three conclusions. One says, "There had to be a Creator", the second says, "It all had to evolve because there is no Creator", and the third says, "We cannot know which is correct".  The first conclusion leads it's adherents (Creationists) to seek a Creator God. The second conclusion leads it's adherents (atheists) to seek self, because we, as the highest form of evolved life, are therefore our own gods; and the third conclusion leads it's adherents (agnostics) to seek a middle road between the first two conclusions. This is the compromise position. It neither admits nor rejects the existence of a creator God or the possibility of evolution.

Evolutionists are fools for an accidental, causeless, happenstance explanation for the existence of the universe, earth, people... and all things. To think otherwise would require a confessional admittance of a "higher power" or "Creator God". This explains their flight to the opposite extreme , and only other possible choice .... evolution. Evolution is not their god, it is their religion.  They ... are their own, evolved gods ... SELF is god. Self ish ness is the expression and worship of one's self. They are not willing to confess, "I don't know" (agnosticism), so they boldly say, "I know there is no God and therefore the only answer to the question is EVOLUTION" (atheism).

There are no other options. Like good vs evil, light vs darkness, true vs false, there are only two choices... one right, one wrong. To believe in "creation" requires a belief in a "Creator" who could only be "God". Evolution is nothing more than a fall back position from God, an escape hatch for those who cannot accept the seemingly impossible fact of God, but are compelled, by it's obviousness to give an answer to "how we got here", and where everything came from. All atheists are also evolutionists but some evolutionists, because of the weak argument for accidental, unintelligent, unplanned, evolutionary theory, try to squeeze God into the equation. They call themselves ... Theo-evolutionists, which means God-evolutionists ... a contradiction of terms. They may think they have the best of both worlds, all bases covered, puts to cover their calls, but theo-evolutionists are doomed to discover the unintended consequences of one day waking up in the "lukewarm, compromise, semi- denial" camp which Jesus condemned in Rev.3:15-16   "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.    So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." The word "spue" is Gk. "emeo" which means to spit up, throw up or vomit.

Evolution, gay marriage, legalizing sin and all forms of anti-Biblical theory are a bad taste and poisonous in the mouth of God, whose reaction to them is to spew, spit up, spit out or vomit them out.  A fearful position to be in. God is real and His word not to be trifled with.  His word clearly says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and everything in them, including us, in His own image and likeness." If that were not true, you have no reason to believe anything else in the bible. Beside the fact that "faith" could not result in your heart from reading or hearing it taught because you wouldn't know which parts were true and which were not. "Faith comes by hearing ... the word of God."  Rom.10:17. To disbelieve any of it throws the entirity of it into question and doubt.  Faith for the doubter in God's word is impossible.  The agnostic and theo-evolutionist cannot have real, saving faith. RB

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