Apr 25, 2013

It Really Doesn't Matter What Happens If You Are A Christian

Common Sense Commentary:

When you became a Christian, the process included....(1) Hearing... the word of God. Rom.10:17.  (2) Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 16:31. (3) Repenting of your sins. Luke 13:3-5. (4) Accepting God's forgiveness through faith in Christ. Eph.1:7.

If that has happened in your life, you have "loved the Lord" ever since  (Matt.22:37), are "called according to His purpose" (Rom.8:28), and "all things work together for your good."  "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

"ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD ".... to you if you are saved. So, it really doesn't matter what happens if you are a true Christian. If you sin and do not repent, God's judgement and conviction upon you make you wish you had and brings you to repentance and you learn to stay repented up and not to do that thing again ... So, that is good.

If you suffer tribulation and trials, God's word says, "Tribulation worketh patience" Rom.5:3. So, it too "works together for good" to you.  That's why the Apostle Paul said, "We glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience ...."

If the national economy ... and yours... falls apart and we are all short of food and necessities, 95% of us eat too much and have too much anyway, so if we are forced to work harder and eat less, that combination "works together for our good".  It shapes us up, trims us down, and turns our hearts back to the Lord and teaches us to trust in and rest in Him ... that's really good for all of us.

Even if worse comes to worst and we get sick and die ... and wake up in heaven, how is that not good for those who love the Lord?

So, it isn't the hard times of tribulation that are bad for us but the easy times when everything is smooth, food is plenteous, we are fat, lazy and content. That's when we take God, our health, our family and our jobs for granted. Those are the times that are so bad for our relationships, our health and our fellowship with God. That is why the church has always flourished and done the most good during times of persecution and hardship.

So, it would seem that my title is wrong.  It really does matter what happens.  It's the hard times that bring people to their knees and repentance. It's the hard times that reveal to us our need for the Lord. It's the hard times that knock the weight off our bones, strengthen us, and draw families together .... far more than the easy times.  
So let us "glory in tribulation" with the Apostle Paul as we leave the bad old good times and enter the good old bad times. God makes lemonade out of lemons, strength out of weakness, and victory out of defeat. Why on earth would we worry when our blessed hope and every good thing is in heaven?  RB

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." James 1:17.

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