May 30, 2013

A Free-Will Boat In Predestined River: A Poem

I have spent many  pleasant days and nights on the rivers of North Florida with the men and boys of our church and other friends. While I pastored there, we canoed
the Swannee, Black, Aucilla, Wacissa and Saint Marks Rivers.  These were not rough and rapid rivers like the Natahallia River in North Carolina or many other more dangerous rivers; but there were alligators and moccasins. I have always wanted to canoe the Rio Grande and Pecos Rivers in Texas. They both go through some very isolated, inaccessible and wild areas I would like to see. I may yet do the section of the Rio Grande in the Big Bend State Park which goes through some very deep, precipitous canyons, and can be challenging

A Free-Will Boat In

Predestined River

  Rayburn Blair

Heartaches and troubles in this journey of life
Are like shoals and logjams on the River Strife.
God fashioned the river and He made your boat;
That He controls rivers is worthy of note.
The water carries you where He wants it to go,
With swamps on both sides, do go with His flow.

The choices you have are to the left bank or right,
But there's no going back or stopping your plight.
You can enjoy the trip or back-paddle and whine,
But you will go with that river to the end of the line.
You can do what you will within your own boat,
But where your boat goes is with the river you float.

You may ply the waters of Good River or Bad;
All rivers have trials, happy times and sad,
But YOU must  choose which river you will sail;
Most end in the swamp... just one will prevail.
The choice is yours, but the river... He commands;
Launch there if you will.... to be in His hands.

Your boat contains your own hand and will,
Yet He directs currents and rivers still.
You choose the river, and use the oar,
But He determines all else that's in store.
When you tire of turning side to side,
Relax and enjoy life's river Guide.

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