May 22, 2013

As Water Seeks It's Own Level, So Truth And Justice

Common Sense Commentary: An exaggeration is a lie; a half truth is a whole lie; a little white lie is a big black lie; a lie is a lie. Only the truth is the truth.

We all understand that water, being liquid, conforms to gravity in seeking it's own level. The straight line, across a tub, pond or lake, of water, testifies to the fact, allowing only for the curvature of the earth.  This principle, minus any curvature effect, is true of truth and justice, as well. Someone's quote or reference to a truth may be twisted, little or much, but the truth itself is not ... cannot be changed from what it is ... a straight, infinite line from it's origin to the throne of God. The truth of a matter may be mis-understood, or mis-used, or exaggerated, or perverted with lying lips, but truth is still and forever the truth. It is as straight as a plumb-line from heaven to hell.  "If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself." 2Tim.2:13.

Justice also seeks it's own, honest level. An injustice may be known by God alone; it may be hidden for a lifetime or buried in an unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere,
but time, truth and God will resurrect it to a destined payday. Justice will prevail if it takes a thousand years."Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." Ecc.8:11.

These are reasons why we should never, never give up on a just cause, a Biblical truth. or a godly principle, though the whole world deny them; though courts, governments, churches and public opinion betray justice, truth and God Himself, we must stand firm
for them, for nothing else matters, if we are wrong on these holy things. They seek their own level, an eternal straight line which reaches across infinity from God, to God.

To hell with liars, perversion and defenders of liars and perversion. To hell with the purveyors of false religion and supporters of false prophets and false religion. To hell with self-righteous salvation, and all who reject God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit ... by rejecting God's word, the Bible, His grace and redemption through Jesus Christ alone. It is to hell all such are headed, it is hell they deserve and to which they shall be cast ... unless they repent (turn around) forsake their sin, believe on Jesus and follow him. It is a straight line, no curves, twists, lies or excuses.  Jesus is our only hope. "...let God be true and every man a liar...." Rom.3:4.  RB

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