May 28, 2013

What WereThey Thinking????

Common Sense Commentary:  What is it about the human brain that compels some people to always "think" down the wrong direction on a one lane, one way road ? Mentally moving, always, against simple, common sense logic seems to be the compulsive destiny of all flaming left wing Liberals. Are they born with that perverted trait or did they learn it after birth? Is it hereditary or environmental? Strangely, no amount of facts, reason, logic or other proof seems to register on their minds. It's almost like they are closet aliens from outer space who read and speak English but all the words have different meanings than the dictionary definitions and what normal, reasonable people understand.  Most of their intelligentsia seem to be sympathizers or members of the ACLU. In all the years of existence of the ACLU, they have gotten two things right out of a total of 10,962 issues. How is that possible? It's one of the major mysteries of all the history of human-kind.  One of my great grandsons, when told that someone he knows believed in abortion, slapped his 7 year old head, and exclaimed, "What was she thinking"?  Don't you often ask yourself that when you hear what Liberal left-wing politicians are doing with out nation and Constitution? I do. RB

According to the left wing zealots we have in politics...
We're not supposed to judge all Muslims
by the acts of a few "crazies".
But the acts of a few American "crazies" is enough
to judge all Americans who own guns.

"Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward."  Isa.1:4.

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