Jun 9, 2013

If This Is True.... And I Think It is.... Look Out !

Common Sense Commentary: There's an old adage, "Where there's smoke there's fire". Our forebears who utilized such common sense observations, were more plain spoken and wiser than our modern day public defenders who have a counter-punch lie for every true clue, visible proof and undeniable evidence.  As Mark Twain put it,  "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." The smoke I'm talking about is now showing blue flame from the White House windows and roof. I think it is approaching firestorm proportions.  If it is true, and I think it is, it will ignite those other piles of dirty, oily and explosive scandals now in the headlines, and lead to a national constitutional crisis, maybe a melt-down and probably race riots.
But that is better than continuing to constantly give a free pass to the White House, by the national news media and half of our citizens,  for every kind of corruption, violation of our laws and spending the nation bankrupt. RB

Mike Zullo is the lead investigator for Sheriff Arpaio, America's toughest Sheriff.

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