Jun 15, 2013

Question For The Self-Righteous Salvationist: How Many Sins Does It Take

Common Sense Commentary: Wisdom, logic, truth and Holy Scripture ring true to a spiritually receptive soul.

If you can lose your salvation, how many or how much sin does it take before God springs that trap door under your feet? 77? 66?  or 1 ?  Maybe you think God doesn't count the "little" sins you do in thought, word or action at least several times every day. Things like impatience, anger, exaggeration, gluttony, laziness or a flash of lust. Or maybe you think God rates sins according to their degree of offence. In which case it may take ten type "A" sins, or seven type "B" sins or just one type "F" sin to cancel out your eternal salvation.  If cursing like a sailor will send you on to hell, how near the fire do you get by "thinking" just one profane word..... all the way out of salvation and into the flame? Does it take a whole carton, a pack or just one wicked cigarette for God to erase your name again from His big book? You've been saved and lost so many times, your page is worn thin. You say, "Cigarettes won't send you to hell". No but it makes you smell like you've been there.  How about a beer? Does it take a six-pack or will one do it?  How about a swallow?   If you give a pass for cigs and beer, how about lying?  Is it a lie if it isn't absolutely true, every word and nuance?  Will that small a lie abort your salvation?  OK, lets go to the big stuff. How many of God's Ten Commandments can you break before you are dishonorably discharged from the ranks of the saints? Let's say you exaggerate just a little about something your neighbor does that you don't like.  You have violated the ninth Commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". Ex. 20:16. Now you can't gainsay that one: It is a sin.  That means you lost your salvation again.... right? But there are even more serious ramifications.  James 2:9-10 says if you break one Commandment, you have broken all the Commandments. Those same verses say "respect of persons" is a sin. So if you show preference or partiality to one person over another, you have sinned.  "But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."  "Guilty of all".  So the fact is, you who believe one must be perfect, without a single fleshly flaw or sin... to be a Christian, you are lying.  And if you say you live up to that standard, you are not only lying but are a hypocrite as well.

The truth is, that the Ten Commandments are one thing as the body is one thing.  If you break one of your ten fingers, you have broken your body. If you break one of the ten Commandments, you have broken God's Commandments. So, it has to be true that if ten sins will send a Christian off to hell again, one sin will do the same ... if, as some of you believe, your salvation is won or lost by your own ability to reach perfection and stay perfect, in this frail, flaw filled, sin prone flesh, for the rest of your life... when, in truth, you can't do it for one day.... but you pretend to. Don't you get tired of always hiding who you really are ... a sinner saved by grace ... or not saved at all?

I personally believe that any and all sin is so very, terribly wicked, in the eyes of God, that if the guilt of just one sin could be spread equally upon every soul on earth, that that one sin would send every single soul tainted by it to hell ... if, that is,  you discount what Jesus did on the cross, and forget that "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

So stop bothering people with your inconsistent, impossible and wicked theory that somehow we can earn or deserve or work our way into the holy of holies of God's presence by our own goodness rather than the precious, holy work of Christ on Calvary's cross. If you don't come to God totally and only on the merits of Christ, not your own, you will be hopelessly lost in eternity... clinging to all you have left.... your puny, faked self-righteousness. RB

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