Jul 30, 2013

Land-FillHarmonic Music To Touch Your Heart ... And Soul

Common Sense Commentary: Years ago a missionary took me to a land-fill site in Mexico, a very poor country. There, embedded in that mountain of garbage, the poorest of the poor lived in hovels made of old, useless pieces of lumber, tin and cardboard.  There were paths all through this heap of smelly trash. The people living there collected, into huge piles, some of various metals, others of paper, glass, wood and bones.  Even spoiled food was collected to feed to their pigs. The little children played there while mom and dad dug among the new loads of garbage. That is the day God gave me a burden for Mexico as America's Samaria .... next door, the first step unto the uttermost parts of the world. At that moment I came within a gray hair of surrendering my life as a missionary to Mexico. I prayed about it for days but soon realized that I was where God wanted me and that I could do far more for these people as pastor of a large church, where I was, than I could by moving to Mexico. After that, I made at least one trip to Mexico each year with a truck load of food, or building materials.  We founded a church there which has since founded several new churches and given the gospel to thousands.  When my friend, Fred Good, who went with me on several occasions,  sent me the link below, I felt that urge to go back to Mexico again; but considering my present physical condition, at 82, I wouldn't last a month.  It is truly amazing how these poor, but intelligent and ingenious people, have been able to make musical instruments out of the kind of junk dug out of a Mexican land-fill, much less learn to play them and make the sweetest music imaginable. Oh yes, I know, it may not be the New York Philharmonic, but to my eyes and ears, those children musicians, from somewhere in South America, are touching the heart of God and this old preacher's heart too.  May God give you eyes and ears to see and hear this beautiful miracle resurrected out of a diseased, stinking, ugly heap of garbage.  Their director truly started from below ground zero.  Our Great God is doing the same thing with the lives of people ... every day.  Now, close everything else out, turn up the volume and get a blessing.... and maybe a calling. RB

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