Jul 27, 2013

The Shysters Are Selling Toxic Wares In The Temple Again

Common Sense Commentary: Someone asked me if I thought Wall Street, the investing infrastructure and Washington were manipulating the commodities markets. Anyone asking that question, of me, doesn't read this blog. My answer is a resounding  .... "absolutely". The proof is found anywhere, among those con-artists, you bother to look ... while you are awake.

One of the primary ways God has programed our brains, in decision making, is more by applying past experience, what we know happened in the past, than in what presently appears to be true. The old, common sense adage, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me", speaks to that fact.

Accurate judgment of a person, business, news media, Wall Street or a politician requires knowing their past, not their appearance or what they say today. Using that logic, nothing they do surprises me anymore. Wall Street, Major News Media and Washington are like an old drug house full of roaches, mice and drug addicts ... working together in symbiotic harmony for their mutual benefit. The house was once beautiful, clean and comfortable. Years of slow neglect morphed into abuse and misuse. The addicts were once pretty little babies, then untended youth, then wayward teens and now they think addiction, robbery, prostituting themselves and getting high is normal.



Our present acquiescent acceptance of the "crooked game" investment landscape, lying politicians, and agenda driven News Media didn't happen over night. It took years of slow-motion, deteriorating change from what made America great to near dereliction today. Bankrupt Detroit, a totally corrupt, major city is an example of where our country is now headed, and gaining speed. 

So, are the big banks, Wall Street and Washington manipulating aluminum, oil, silver and gold ? They are manipulating everything they touch. Free Enterprise Capitalism for all Americans has become big bank, big business, big media and big government Capitalism ... for them only. Socialism is our cut of our own blood, dripping from the I.V. tube. The good ole days are gone. You and I, on the gurney, are their only source of sustenance. There is a permanent intravenous transfer of blood from our wrists to their hip pockets. They feed on us like a thousand swollen, blood sucking ticks who can't break their evil habits. In the Marine Corps, we used to stick the hot end of a  Lucky Strike to their exposed rear ends. That quickly ended their professional, blood-lust ca rears. It would still work, on a larger scale, with blood-sucking, big banks and politicians if we would just do it, and be willing to suffer a little inconvenience and heat to our own skins. I must be, by now, on all the Liberal lists for removal. I care not. We can't do much about Wall Street except stop dealing with them, but we can surely do something about politicians who over-see them, but sell out to them for a sucking place on our I.V. tubes. Stop feeling vulnerable and intimidated by these bullies, and take direct, fist to face action. Yes, tell them about Jesus while you do it. Remember how Jesus, with a whip, drove those shysters out of the Temple. Go thou and do likewise. RB

Here is the article I was asked about: http://www.cnbc.com/id/100901270

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