Jul 24, 2013

Universal Question: Five Progressing Moves To The Eternal Answer

Common Sense Commentary:

News journalists seek the answers to these questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why and maybe How. The answers to those questions make up a complete news story.  Since time began, after Adam and Eve, most people have sought answers to the greatest mystery in the minds of secular human beings, all over the earth. No matter how primitive or how sophisticated, people puzzle over these four questions: (1) Where did we come from? (2) How did we get here? (3) Why are we here? (4) Where are we going? Let me deal with the second of these four questions, "How did we get here".  There are only two options in answer to this question. Either we got here by some huge, unexplainable, evolutionary accident of a Godless  Mother Nature, which requires impossible odds of happenstance involving an endless series of coincidental developments from a single, wiggly (where did it come from) amoeba in luke warm (where did it come from) water, and finally, after millions of years, grew into an (where did it come from) air breathing, food eating ape who eventually became a human being...... or we were created by some intelligent, Creator, God type force.

I see five progressing moves every independent, rational mind must take from "No faith in a Creator" to "Faith in a Creator".  I will not try to prove "Creation" by use of "Science", or more accurately, "Science, falsely so called". The English word "science" is from the Latin word "scientia" which simply means "to know". True science is something absolute, proven, without question and consistently demonstrated repetitiously. That is not true with evolution, which is strictly a theory, unproven and uncertain at best, and not true science. Faith itself is not provable even with true science. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Heb.11:1.  God's word alludes to "false science" in 1 Tim.6:20...  "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called...." So, since evolution is a kind of anti-religious faith based system, and not science but "falsely so called" science, in the same class as "profane and vain babblings",  I will follow God's definition of it and "avoid" it. Instead, I will use simple common sense in conjunction with another "faith based" system ... A Christian explanation of the five moves from "No faith in a Creator" to "Faith in a Creator".

Every normal, adult person comes to the mature place of "How do I know that is true" concerning "How did we got  here", and then rationalizing between adages, axioms, metaphors, allegories, facts and suppositions ... seeking the absolute truth. So....

Move One is, We Rationalize or analyse, using, as best we can, logic, reason and observation, to explain, on rational grounds, an understanding of the mystery, "How did we get here?" How did the heavens, the earth, people and all the rest come to exist? Was there a "Big Bang"?  If so, was it an accident in a void where there was nothing? Was it a result of a higher power, a higher intelligence, like when God said "Let there be" in Genesis, and boom, it happened? A universal God seems, to the human brain, irrational.... but doesn't happenstance or an accidental origin  seem even more irrational?  If a universal, all powerful, all knowing, loving God seems impossible, there is one thing even more impossible ... that there is no such God.

Move Two ... We Realize that the heavens, the earth and human, animal and vegetable life ... just accidentally happening, and evolving, with all it's intricacies, is more irrational and unbelievable than an intelligent power creating the universe and us. But if we were "created".... by what or whom? The only other option to evolution is, a Creator God.  Any sincere, thinking and receptive soul will come to that realization.

Move Three ... We Reach Out to that Creator, God, whoever or whatever he may be. So our "How did we get here" dilemma is converted into a "Who is this unknown, Creator God?" dilemma. Seeking the "unknown God" was an obsession with the Athenians  when the Apostle Paul read their dilemma on an altar on Mars Hill ... Acts 17:23   "For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you." These Athenians had to begin with Rationalizing, then Realizing and were now Reaching Out by worshiping the "Unknown God", they had come to believe in, but didn't know who he was. God sent Paul to tell them and He will send someone to tell any person on earth, no matter who or where, to give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ, if they are reaching out to Him. As Hebrews 11:6 says,  "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."  A religious but unsaved Saul of Tarsus Reached Out to the God, who had struck him, down with this question,  "Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutes...." Acts 9:5.  When a lost Saul of Tarsus Reached Out to touch the face of God, with that question, He would soon become a Christian and the Apostle Paul.

There were three different Roman Centurions, stationed in Israel who were sincere seekers of the true God, to whom God sent a witness and at least two of them received Christ. They had no doubt gone through the process from Rationalizing, Realizing, Relinquishing their wills to His will and then Receiving Christ.

Move Four is when we Relinquish our will to God's will in sincere submission to Him. In Paul's case, when he asked, "Who art thou Lord?" and Jesus told him, and then Paul Relinquished his will to God's will, and asked, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" The Lord told him and Paul made the final move....

Move Five is Receiving Christ as our personal Savior by simply accepting Him into our conscious self in a trusting, submissive and repentant attitude, by God's grace through faith in Christ, and what he did for us on that cross. He paid in full our debt of sin and guilt and took our death sentence upon Himself.  When we make that mental/spiritual move, we are set free, redeemed from the pawn shop of Satan's sin shelf, and commissioned to worship and serve our Creator for the rest of eternity.

The pivot point of coming to Christ is when you settle the question between accidental evolution and an intelligent Creator, and realize there had to be a Creator. When you make that turn, you are acknowledging there is a God, and when you realize there is a God, you will reach out to Him, in your mind, and if you reach out to Him, you will discover He is already reaching out to you.  "...he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Heb.11:6. Then Jesus said..."...him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." Jn.6:37. At that point, you will relinquish your will to Him and receive Him as your savior. RB

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