Jul 2, 2013

What Happens In A Cataclysmic U.S. Crisis When 76% Have No Savings?

Common Sense Commentary:  What happens is, if they have no money, they have no food, electricity, water, insurance or gasoline.  What happens is, they are forced to go looking for money, food, water and gasoline. What happens is, they are not going to starve or let their children starve.  I hear someone say, "Oh, but the government will help people".  Yes, they would if they had that much food, water and gasoline and could deliver it to those millions of people composing 76% of the entire population of our country, which they don't and can't. So what happens when Uncle Sam doesn't come running to their rescue?  He had a hard enough time helping just one city when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans.  Why would anyone think he could do better with a need a thousand times larger? Again, I say it, that 76% of America would go hunting with bag,  basket, or bucket and a knife, club or gun.  Even moral people have been known to eat their companions after just one week without food, when snow bound in an isolated place. So, what happens in the land of the free and home of the brave when they no longer have money, free food and are no longer brave but afraid, horribly afraid... and starving?  They go hunting, yes, but not to Wal-Mart or the Supermarket. They have no money or gas to get there, after a week or so, and besides, the markets are empty.  They may start door to door begging ... but their neighbors have little or nothing to share either... so what can they do? Band together in their search. They will do what the majority of Americans who voted in the last elections would do ... whatever they have to do to get what someone.... anyone else has that they do not have. This same scenario has happened many times over history, in many other countries, and will happen again ... even here in the U.S. where 76% of our citizens have no savings to fall back on.  You say, "Americans won't do that" or "We Christians will share with the needy". Yes, some will, but even that 24% of Americans who have some degree of savings, may only have enough for their families to survive a few weeks and even the wealthiest of Americans could not make a dent in that 76% of Americans who live from pay-check to pay-check or welfare check to welfare check. Only God, Himself, could solve such a problem. Our Socialistic Government, feeding on our greed and sins, got us in this mess, and certainly cannot get us out of it.  Neither can Warren Buffett or Bill Gates or anyone else.  Only God can deliver our country... if He even willed to do so, which we do not deserve and I doubt if that is in His plans for us, as a country. Individual Christians, yes, but "save the nation?" Why should He? Have we, as a nation, sought His will, hungered for His word, talked to Him in prayer, obeyed Him, loved Him?  No, in fact, we have, as a nation, done the opposite... avoided Him, ignored Him, shunned His word, disobeyed practically every thing He has commanded.  If you wonder "where is God when we need Him?"  He is where He has always been ... it is America which has turned away from Him to seek their own selfish fantasies and lusts.  Few other nations have had any regard for God in generations, if ever. 

Here is the article about the 76% of our citizens without any savings. RB

The economy isn't getting better and the unemployment numbers we keep seeing are far from accurate. According to CNN Money, 76 percent of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck.

Roughly three-quarters of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, with little to no emergency savings, according to a survey released by Bankrate.com Monday.

Fewer than one in four Americans have enough money in their savings account to cover at least six months of expenses, enough to help cushion the blow of a job loss, medical emergency or some other unexpected event, according to the survey of 1,000 adults. Meanwhile, 50% of those surveyed have less than a three-month cushion and 27% had no savings at all.

 "It's disappointing," said Greg McBride, Bankrate.com's senior financial analyst. "Nothing helps you sleep better at night than knowing you have money tucked away for unplanned expenses."

Even more disappointing; The savings rates have barely changed over the past three years, even though a larger percentage of consumers report an increase in job security, a higher net worth and an overall better financial situation.

Meanwhile, a new Rasmussen Report shows the majority want the government to cut spending in order to spur economic growth.

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