Aug 4, 2013

Escaping The Five Walls Of Slavery The World Calls Freedoms

Common Sense Commentary: "....and, behold, if the plague be in the walls...." Lev.14:37

The wicked of this world are clear about what they believe in and what they deny. Not just by their words, but by their actions they reveal what they are for, and therefore what they oppose. To gain acceptance by the unaware, they swear, by their words, that they are "for freedom". But their actions more perfectly define their words. They are for freedom from restrictions, freedom of their ""animal" hungers and instincts, freedom for their sexual deviations, freedom of their fleshly volition (will), and freedom to abort any unwanted, inconvenient complication.... though it be holy. These things they call their "civil rights". But there is a very uncivil aspect to these assumed "rights". What they "say" they are "for" is another way of saying what they are really against. There is another and more definitive side of these so called freedoms. Freedom from restriction is actually freedom from God's word and will. Freedom of "animal" instincts is freedom from creationism's Creator (evolution), the religion of unbelief. Freedom for their sexual deviation is, in reality, anti-holiness. Freedom of human volition (will) is, in effect, freedom from faith. Freedom to abort a baby is, in truth, anti-human exceptionalism (we are not animals to be slaughtered, but created in the image and likeness of God).

These five so called "freedoms" are, in fact,  five walls enclosing their servile inmates in a clear state of slavery to fleshly lusts and not "freedoms" at all, but depraved, human compulsions. The Bible is more a bill of rights and freedoms than it is a book of restrictions. The Christian is truly free to live and love, worship and trust, hope and help, give and receive, forgive and believe, work and anticipate, enjoy and laugh, sleep and finally rest in peace.... free of those five prison walls, full of plague, the world calls "freedoms".    Those within the confines of these prison walls do not see them as confinement but as exclusive, excluding those they see as peculiar believers in a personal God. They do not even want those "unscientific" believers in Jesus in their exclusive space. So they strengthen their incarcerating walls and refuse him/her entry into their elitist presence. Any university student who has a strong faith in Christ need not seek credentials in the fields of science.  Even if they earn such degrees, they will find those walls refusing them entry into that field of endeavor. That private prison is locked up tight and closed to believers, but the inmates think it is the believer who is blind, enslaved and left out .... when it is they themselves. RB

"Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken ...." Jer.51:58

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