Aug 9, 2013

Technology Has The Power ... Now... To Control The World

Common Sense Commentary: This magnificent level of technology, which will obviously have endless uses for good, also has endless potential for unlimited government control. When government has that kind of potential, history shows us they use it. This will be used, then misused, then abused, but like other losses of our freedoms, it will slowly become the norm, accepted by the masses.  Where does it lead?  Like everything else government touches, it leads eventually to a dictatorship.   The time will come when we will not only lose all privacy, we will also lose our freedom. This level of technology reveals the means and method which the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places will take in it's absolute control and installation of the Anti-Christ. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". Eph. 6:12. RB

The 2100 MegaPixel Government Camera .....

There's no privacy anywhere ! Right Now!
"This picture was taken with a 70,000 x 30,000 pixel camera (2100 MegaPixels.)  These cameras are not sold to the public and are being installed in strategic locations.  It can identify a face in a multitude of people.  Place the cursor in the mass of people and double-click about four times (or 'finger-spread' on a device.)  Scary sharp"   or use the "zoom slide" at the top left corner of the picture.  It may take a few seconds for your merely consumer-level computer to do the zoom... 




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