Aug 25, 2013

Totally Futile Effort

Common Sense Commentary: "...The LORD seeth not as man seeth ...."

Making a show of worthiness, fashion, style, beauty, cleverness and other outward appearances, are a very shallow effort to impress others of our importance. When, in truth, God has already established our value to Him, if not any worthiness of our own.   The fact that we, alone, of all God's miraculous creation, were made by Him in His own image and likeness, makes us important above all other creatures, including angels. But, even more than that, He expanded upon our value, to Him, by giving His only born Son, Jesus, to die in our place, for our unworthy sinful souls. Of how much more value and importance could we possibly be to our fellow sinners than we already are to God. After all, what real difference does it make what other faulty, sinful people, like ourselves, think about us? It may seem important here in this temporal world, but what God thinks about us is all that really matters, and what He thinks is for eternity. So how do we impress God beyond the Love He already has for us? Obedience ... in all the things He has commanded us. The first, of which, is repentance and acceptance of His Son Jesus as our Savior. If we neglect to do that, all else we do or think or appear to be ... is totally empty vanity ... a futile effort. RB
"...The LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." 1 Sam.16:7

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