Sep 30, 2013

"Christ In You" Is The Explosive Power Of Mustard Seed Faith

Common Sense Commentary:

Everything is limited except the power, presence, knowledge and love of God. Those attributes of God are infinite, universal and eternal. They cannot be measured any more than God Himself can be measured. Everything about us, human beings, is temporal except our eternal souls, and, in the case of Christians, Christ who lives in us. "To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory" Col. 1:27.

A human being is limited in all the things God is unlimited in. We are limited in power, presence, knowledge, and love. We can only retain limited knowledge, be present in one place at a time and exercise very limited power, even as we can only get so wet, experience so much pain, love, hate, fear or grief. It is "Christ in us" which moves mountains as a result of mustard seed faith. It is "Christ in us" which bridges the impossible gaps and heals the deadly wounds of sin. It is "Christ in us" who regenerates the degenerate soul and generates eternal life in it. It is "Christ in us" who washes away the irremovable stains of grievous guilt. It is "Christ in us" who resurrects the dead dust remains of our fleshly bodies, glorifies it and catches us away, across infinity, into the presence of our holy, eternal and glorious God .... not our feeble, tiny, imperfect, limited mustard seed works or will. "Christ in you, is the hope of glory", and nothing, nothing, nothing else. RB

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