Sep 18, 2013

Every One Of You Have A Ministry, A Calling, And Appointments For God

Common Sense Commentary:  It's been my experience that most Christians feel that their testimonies and special experiences aren't really very exceptional or of interest to anyone but themselves or immediate family. Old people, especially, often feel useless or incapable of doing much of anything for God and certainly can't imagine they still have a very important ministry or spiritual calling from Him, and yes, even special "appointments" to minister to others. This is the devil's work, in our minds, to divert us away from being the faithful Ambassadors He has called us to be... no matter how old,  disabled or incapable we feel. 

In a recent post on this blog, I titled it "The Special Significance Of This 777th Post On Common Sense Commentary"   The fact that it was my 777th  didn't mean much but that interesting number motivated me to write something about it. As most of you know, I listed an inordinate number of mentions of sevens in the Bible, as compared with any other number and concluded the post with this, "So what is the special 
Importance of 777 posts? Not a single thing.  RB".  I received several comments from my readers, one of which was Fretta Mitchell. Joe, her deceased husband, was the first baptized member of our newly founded church, in 1963, and they have been friends ever since. Fretta wrote....

"Yes, it does.  It means that the good Lord has let you remain to share your thoughts and insight on many subjects. Thank you, Fretta."
 My answer to Fretta ....
You are very kind, Fretta. Old-age seems to have diminishing returns, but if the Lord allows me I will stay at it until  I scribble my last post. I think I know it's title ...... "See You Up There .... Where Jesus Is".  Mrs Blair's mother is 99 and in a nursing home with a lot of other oldsters.  While visiting her mother, a couple of Sundays ago, one little old lady walked by repeating over and over, "I'm going away, I'm going away, I'm going away".  Mrs Blair asked her, "Where are you going Donna?"  To which this saintly old lady said, "Where Jesus is".  Mrs. Blair responded, "Donna, do you know Jesus?" ........ "Yes", said Donna.   Thank you Fretta for all the memories of you and Joe and Kim and Kelly.  RB.

 Fretta didn't realize she was ministering to me. Donna didn't realize she was ministering to Mrs. Blair, the staff who heard the conversation and all the other old people present.  Mrs. Blair didn't realize she was ministering to Donna, the staff and the old folks there.  Then she came home and ministered the conversation to me and I, in turn, am passing it on to you.

One of my first ministries as a young preacher was as Chaplain at a nursing home. One of the first residents the director introduced me to was a kindly but senile old gentleman whose name was Sam Smith.  The director had told me Mr. Smith's wife and children's names so I asked the old fellow if he knew a Molly Smith (his wife). "No, I don't think so", he said.  So I asked if he knew Jack or Jane Smith (his children).
"No, I don't know them either", he said.  Then, I asked if he knew Sam Smith (himself).  "No, I don't think I know him either", he said.  Finally, I asked Sam if he knew Jesus.  "Oh yes, Jesus is my Lord and Savior ... here, let me sing a song for you". He turned to the piano and began to play and sang several Jesus hymns in perfect tune and didn't miss a note. Sam had no idea he was ministering to this young preacher, to the director and to the old folks there in the room.  As you may see, he ministered to me for my entire life-time in my memory.

So don't sell yourself short or underestimate the power of your testimony and witness for Jesus. You give it, sow the seed, and let God cause it to take root and grow in the lives of those to whom you minister it.

To all of you who read this blog, Thanks for your time.  RB


  1. Time is one of the best treasures in life, used judiciously. :)
    When reminiscing, we sometimes think of the ... "oh, if I'd only done this or that", instead of what I really did. We're all like that I suppose.
    While we may regret some actions, we should remember that if we've asked forgiveness, the Lord promised to remove it as far as the East is from the West.
    Dad, my memories of you as a mentoring example far outweighs anything else. Your example reaches all the way to my grandchildren.
    All my love.


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