Sep 20, 2013

Harry Reid's Amazing Double Back-Flip With A Triple Left Twist Contradiction

Common Sense Commentary:   How any human being can get his head so void of the least glimmer of light, is a mystery indeed. "The Pot calling the Kettle black" doesn't even begin to define the contradiction  Harry Reid, majority leader of the U.S. Senate,   managed to put into words last Friday, on the Senate Floor. My title is the best I can do in describing what he said. RB

This is from Harvey Organ's Daily Report by Bill Holter
   I have several things I'd like to talk about today but first something needs to be said about Harry Reid.  On Friday, majority leader of the Senate Harry Reid made comments on the floor regarding Tea Party members.  Specifically he said:
We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over. They’ve taken over the House and now they’ve taken over the Senate.
People who don’t believe in government — and that’s what the Tea Party is all about — are winning, and that’s a shame.
  "Anarchists"?   "People who don't believe in government"?  Really?  The way I see it, the Tea Party members are the ONLY ones left in the government who actually believe in what created the government in the first place, The Constitution.  Our current "rulers" have gone so far off the rail that they cannot even see it anymore.  Think about what Nancy Pelosi said regarding the Obamacare vote with less than 12 hours for anyone to even read it...she said "we have to pass see what's in it!".  Unfortunately, anyone now who is a strict Constitutionalist is also branded as some type of nut job terrorist.  Anyone who loves this country and what it once stood for is considered a threat to the current government.  How obvious is it that these people who "swear their allegiance" to defend The Constitution either crossed their fingers when they "swore to God" or are just plain delusional.  Think back just 25 years ago in 1988 while Ronald Reagan was still president, the above words spoken on the House or Senate floor would have been enough to impeach for treason against The Constitution, now it's OK for the majority leader to say it ...and sadly mean it. OK enough, "rant" over.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what would happen if:
    1- A conservative congressman stood up on the house floor and included in a speech... "Jesus loves you and died for you".


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