Sep 10, 2013

Stop Telling Me Somebody "Kicked God Out Of Our Schools"

Common Sense Commentary: Words are important. They mean something or they mean nothing. When someone says, "They kicked God out of our schools", you get a visual image of those words.  The best you can say about such statements is that it is Idle blather.  Neither Madeline Murray O'Hara nor anyone else "Kicks God Out" or "Pulls Him into"  anything, anywhere at any time. Lucifer tried it once, as recorded in Isa. 14:12-15, but all he succeeded in doing was revealing how wicked and stupid jealously, greed and hatred can be. The reason we don't hear from God in public schools anymore is that we Christians didn't want to "get involved in politics" and we let the atheists do the politicking and make prayer illegal in the schools. If God left the public schools, it was of His own accord. If we Christians don't stand up against the evil sweeping this country now, we will also loose our freedom and our country as well. But, God is not a man, that He can be handled or mis-handled in any way whatsoever.  He is God of the Universe, All Powerful, All Knowing, Totally Holy and Everywhere Present and does as he pleases all of the time. He is always absolutely consistent with truth, good and the glory that befits the one and only God of gods and LORD of lords. When God says in the third Commandment,
'Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. " Ex.20:7, he not only meant cursing, he was including any empty, useless, idle or humorous use of His name.  The words, "in vain" literally mean empty, useless, idle. God has a sense of humor. Little babies, monkeys and many other things created by Him prove that; but joking about God or using His name, in any way, other than in reverence, is in vain, useless and idle. Praise Him, Pray to Him, Tell others about Him, Love Him and Obey Him, but do not use His holy name in vain. RB


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