Oct 20, 2013

Expecting Perfection Is Rejecting Reality... In Anything

Common Sense Commentary: Never argue with either extreme of the human spectrum, the perfect person on one end and the fool on the other .... where the two join hands and hearts, as one, to complete the circle. RB

Perfectionists have an honorable goal but only if it is moderated by a clear sense of reality. The reality is that there is not a single person or thing on this earth which is perfect and never will be until Jesus Christ returns to establish His Millennial Kingdom here. He is perfect and His Kingdom is perfect, including those who will be ruling and reigning with Him. These are true Christians of every race including born again Jews. But, those who are descendants of the 144,000 surviving Jews will multiply rapidly in this perfect Kingdom where there is neither sickness nor death for a thousand years. It will all end when many of these will rise up in rebellion against Christ and are immediately destroyed.

The human race has failed in every era and dispensation from the Eden period of innocence, the era of the knowledge and understanding of good and evil, the patriarchal dispensation, the dispensation of Mosaic Law, the Church Age of Grace, and will also fail under the thousand year dispensation of the direct, visible, ruling presence of Christ .... called the Millennium. All of humanity has failed since the original failure of Adam and Eve, our original fore parents. It's in our blood-line. Our entire "human" family has failed in every possible atmosphere and condition. We are, therefore, absolutely and essentially dependent on our Creator, God for His grace. This must surely be the message of the many different dispensations and opportunities to do good which all ended in failure and ruin. WE ARE ALL A RUINED RACE. It is as if God is saying, "See, I am your Creator and Sustainer. You need me above all things. You cannot make yourselves perfect. You are sinners at your core by birth and by choice. I am your only hope of redemption from your miserable imperfections and sins. I have given you a way to Godliness through my perfect Son, Jesus Christ. What you cannot do for yourselves, My Son, Jesus Christ can, and has done for you.  "....Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house ...." Acts 16:31. 

Yes, strive for perfection. That is God's plan, eventually, for us, but only He can accomplish such a thing. We must also be honest about it and realistic. God is working on all Christians to become more and more Christlike, but that job will not be completed until we, with our own eyes see Jesus. "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." 1 Jn.3:2. Perfection accomplished. RB

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